Here's a thread where you can put your stadiums that you have thought of/made in real life.
1. Your stadium must have:
(A: A name
(B: A description
2. Must be something TT/SK would make. It can't be too boring or people wouldn't buy it or too exciting that real games can't be played.
3. Make something that is realistic. Don't make something that defies laws of physics, etc.
Anyway, here is my stadium:
Name: Tornado Wall
Description: A balanced stadium with a diameter of 15 inches and a TR. It is flat around the edges
and drops around the center. It's main feature are 3 spinning walls that change speed with a knob. Stamina and Defense types are better with high speed rotation while Attack types are better with low speed rotation. It also has a switch that switches the direction of the spinning walls from left to right.
List of stadiums in this thread:
HorogiumX: Tornado Wall
Raigeko13: MFB Tower Turmoil
Titan Blader: Combination Stadiums
lord Wolfblade: Hasbro Full Attack Stadium
maroyasha: Multi-Battle Stadium
M.Cancer90R2F: Extreme Tornado Stadium
Ink.: Tactical Strike Stadium
FinisherLDrago: Dragon Attack Stadium
pegasismaster10: Supreme Pegasus Stadium
BillyBlast: Dragon Emporer Stadium
BigBangDestroy: Galaxy Stadium
sonicsora123: Crater Attack Stadium
Not going way too into it, but a tower stadium.
Name: MFB Tower Turmoil
Description: The top stadium is an attack MFB, and the bottom one is a balance stadium. The walls on the bottom balance stadium would hold up the attack stadium with a hard plastic type of material. It still has the 3 holes for the beys to go out of on both the top and bottom.
I thought of this, it's more of a type of stadium.
Name:Combination Stadiums
Description:Average size, series consists of base and wall parts. You take two wall parts and one base and put them all together. Each part would have its own special attribute.
the hasbro dark wolf type stadium
it has the slope of the PTW, the "craters" of the MXS, the "canals" of the burning firestirke, and no pockets or anything
best stadium ever
ok now to be serious
hasbro full attack stadium:
it is like the TT attack, but it has paint on the bottom and pockets instead of exits (at least it is close to the TT attack)
i got one
Multi battle stadium
this is a stadium if you have a bunch of freinds that like beyblade you can all battle at once.
it has an area of 6 feet. and it is a bunch of stadiums connected. there are 5 stadiums. they are connected with small tunnels that fit one bey at a time. you can use a dial or you can set it for a mode that when a bey goes over a certain part in the stadium that has a button. it opens the tunnel. it would be very cool. oh ya there is a conveyer belt that carries the bey

xtreme Tornado Beystadium
Description:Like the tornado beystadium but with 3 tornado points and is in the shape of the MFB Attack type stadium. It has wide barrier walls with 2 knock out gates. Spin can be Left Right or no spin.
Name: Tactical Strike Stadium
How it works: There are little disks on the stadium, each has another one directly across from it. When a Beyblade touches one of the disks, the one on the opposite side will lift up. The one in the middle always lifts up. If the one in the middle is touched, all of the disks will lift up. This causes the opposing Bey (if on the opposite side of you) to get thrown and sustain serious damage or get KOed.
Dragon Attack Stadium. Close to an attack stadium, but ridges shaped like fire and tails are near the edge, it's much wider, and has a ramp on the edge like a dragon and very near the flat part, theres a large ridge, shaped like a dragon winding around it.
Name: Supreme Pegasus Stadium
Description: Similar to the Attack and Super Attack stadium, But with different concept. It has the same length as the Pegasus Thunder Whip Stadium. It's Tornado Ridge is designed like the Pegasis Clear Wheel combined with the Pegasis II Clear Wheel. It's wall has the same length as the wall from the Attack stadium. it has "traps" in the area where Stamina, Defense, and Balance usually goes. The attack zone is a combination of the PTW, Attack Stadium and Super Attack stadium.
Name : Dragon Emperior stadium
Description : 4 stadiums in one is a building complex like the dark nebula in the top it is a tt atk stadium but smaller when you get knocked off you either go into the standard stadium (which now had 6 exhit points ) or the super attaqck stadium and they have holes in them in a beyblade is spinning in the same place for 10 secs in dropped into the L drago stadium or the floor the l drago stadium has 2 modes flipped upside down is a tiny stadium without exhits like SVS but rises abve the walls when battling just pick it p and move it up the slots for multi hit mode is in a sloped space just line doomed to forever hit till one stops spinning like a race car track thing and has barriors keeping them in knocked out by hits the Awesome new tower stadium sorry bit too exciting but if they make somthing like this will shorten dowbn like when knocked out to the next going to the bottom some having wholes for a short battle thats it
galaxy stadium
a stadium shaped like the galaxy metal the edges of the have disablelisers such as pockets the stadium will be more steep than the normal attack type stadium so beys can maxnimiuse there attck power
Crater Attack Stadium
A stadium with a tiny ledge about 2.5cm off the ground with a gentle slope leading into a black crater-like arena. The walls are have three holes just big enough for a bey to go through
my bey stadium is called the extreme bey stadium. it will be 18 inches tall and 3 to 3 1/2 feet wide. it will be like the one in bey park
elevated metal stadium
a stadium with a tall base so it is two feet off the ground. (not floating)
two feet across with steep slopes, but a flat bottom. no wall, no pockets. a small spot in the middle is made of rubber to slow down a bey.
this is one me and my friends are making, its called The Masqeurade Blader stadium, and its pretty neat, its 3 floors high, and it will work in real life for several reason, its kinda like a colliseum, and you launch it on the top of it, and its sorta likec 3 different floors which are differently taxing, AKA floor 3, top floor has a sand pit, and a ramp on the outside of the sand pit so its not too easy to get in it, beys with recoil have a good chance of knocking others in the pit, but also getting knocked in himself! if you can avoid the sand pit theres a ramp to floor 2, floor 2 has pillars dotted around and the only way of winning is by falling out the side ands stopping spinning, by outspin or by smashing too much gainst the pillars. floor 1 is probably the neatest, the rest of the floors are held up by one pillar. anyway floor one is the hardest and the most fun. its made of a certain material which is very smooth, but it kinda increases rotation, no idea how but we were ripping on different materials to see which was best. anyway its incredibly smooth to increase rotation, anyway, we haven't fully thought of the gimmick, but if anyone has any to suggest, we have alot of materials to use
Name: Springboard Beystadium.
Description: The stadium floor will be packed with springs under the actual stadium floor part and when the beys land on it they will bounce around like crazy when it's switched on. basically the stadium floor will sink in and then pop up giving it the bouncing effect. The stadium will be surrounded with four walls and it will be a reasonably tall stadium so that the beys stay in.
Name: Nanobite Practice Beystadium
Description: It's shaped like the Tornado Beystadium. In place of one of the ramps sits a black device that has prongs attached to it. It's electronic and launches the bey so you can practice (or just have fun.) It has three settings (weakling, challenge, unstoppable) The slopes are like on the attack type stadium, and the tornado ridge is a normal one.
Name: Trapdoor Tower Beystadium
Description: It's a 2-in-1 tower-style stadium not unlike Raigeko13's MFB Tower Turmoil. The bottom stadium is 22 inches in diameter with four penalty pockets, while the upper stadium is 15 inches in diameter with three walls shaped like the protrusions of the Storm Fusion Wheel, and two 3 inch diameter circular faux floor seal-style trap doors that the Beyblades can fall through and onto the bottom stadium.
Name: galaxy nova stadium
description: its a m stadium like they sell in america but its gonna come with a Black grip launcher, blue string launcher ,and a bey pointer color black. so with the stadium there going to be 2 swicthes one on the right is going to make it go right and the left one is goning to make it go left and it comes with big bang pegasis and its going to cost 30.00. oh and its going to have a pegasis like ginka's pegasis and under it its going to have the constilation of it on the back of the front
(Jun. 29, 2012 10:34 PM)tronkid100 Wrote: [ -> ]Name: galaxy nova stadium
description: its a m stadium like they sell in america but its gonna come with a Black grip launcher, blue string launcher ,and a bey pointer color black. so with the stadium there going to be 2 swicthes one on the right is going to make it go right and the left one is goning to make it go left and it comes with big bang pegasis and its going to cost 30.00. oh and its going to have a pegasis like ginka's pegasis and under it its going to have the constilation of it on the back of the front
Don't revive a thread from a year a go please
Ramp Destruction Stadium: Similar to BB-10 but with a gimmick: ramps. When an attack bey spirals around the stadium quickly the bey goes up the ramp in flies into the air.
I remember playing with my friends in a tata sky dish.that worked as a huge stadium.
Here i go!
Name:black hole gravity stadium.
Description:big stadium(30 cm radius,) that have a rough center like jog ball(5 cm radius) and only a smooth center(1 cm radius) where only 1 bey can stay.outside the rough center is also smooth so attack beys can spin for longer.this stadium deosent have a tornado ridge and no walls.r2f like tips will cause self will be in a black center with persuses motif and grey center with tempo motif and a black gold center with black sun galaxy pegasus motif(total 3 versions).
So the screw in dish created problems for us like rough surface.will you ever like to buy it if it relesed?
My stadium
Sea Stadium
A round stadium with a spinning wheel at the central and (if activated) Water spouts that make the stadium wet that apply an advantage for attack type beys.
(May. 06, 2011 7:07 PM)Raigeko13 Wrote: [ -> ]Not going way too into it, but a tower stadium.
Name: MFB Tower Turmoil
Description: The top stadium is an attack MFB, and the bottom one is a balance stadium. The walls on the bottom balance stadium would hold up the attack stadium with a hard plastic type of material. It still has the 3 holes for the beys to go out of on both the top and bottom.
Great idea! Heres mine:
An electronic stadium where the middle spins. Its for all kinds of beys. There are three holes on the side for stadium outs.
Heres my stadium:
Darth blader stadium
A clear stadium that has red lights that make the stadium glow and heat the stadium increesing all attack power. it heats just hot enough to not alter the bey parts or the stadium. it is two feet wide with walls that are 8 inches tall. the slope will be 1 inch with a special 1 inch flat part in the very middle.