ok this is going to be a good forum i just know it. ok so lets talk anime.
My Fave- Inuyasha for sure or maybe pokemon
Least Fave-School Rumble ( you guys probably nvr herd of it but it stinks)
so there you have it lets hear your fave and least fave anime.
yea anime deos rock and my favorite ones are
naruto one piece bleach
the one i dont like is prince of tennis
I certainly Love beyblade (if counts) and Naruto,Bleach,One Piece and Yu-gi-oh
(May. 05, 2011 1:25 AM)Plasma lizard Wrote: [ -> ]yea anime deos rock and my favorite ones are
naruto one piece bleach
the one i dont like is prince of tennis
My brother wants to kill you for hating prince of tennis i really hate Extreme adult anime (like Phantom reqrium for somthing) like shooting and stuff i like 2 many to be said main is Beyblade pokemon yu-gi-oh
This topic is SPAM already.
There are a few threads that cover "favourite anime" already, so either you change this to the anime people dislike and everybody has to elaborate on their answers, or this topic gets locked.
I dislike the yu gi oh anime. It is just so boring.
this is now your least fave anime upon kai v's request
Why is everyone dissing Yugioh??? The anime isn't the best, but it's not even close to being the worst.
Mine is Pokemon. The whole show is cheesy as hell, also I'm tired of team rocket saying the same thing over and over.
how how can you say that vongola. you hurt my feelings. i highly disagree with you
The Pokemon anime is pretty poor. I realize it's a children's show meant to simply sell merchandise to children (however, so are the likes of Medabots, Digimon, etc. which are all superior), but man is it ever lazy. Ash suffers from amnesia and somehow forgets the past 400 days (assuming 1 episode = 1 day) of battle strategies and gets easily defeated by no name trainers despite Ash's huge pedigree. The plots are largely standalone, but worse off is that the episodes are often times exact replicas of earlier episodes in the series just with different characters. It's incredibly repetitive because of that. Lastly, the background music is largely forgettable and doesn't enhance the experience very much at all.
probably shuffle the storyline is good but the style in which its drawn is terrible (reminds me of a little kids cartoon) also the voices (especially the dub) is terrible
(May. 05, 2011 10:27 PM)To Wrote: [ -> ]The Pokemon anime is pretty poor. I realize it's a children's show meant to simply sell merchandise to children (however, so are the likes of Medabots, Digimon, etc. which are all superior), but man is it ever lazy. Ash suffers from amnesia and somehow forgets the past 400 days (assuming 1 episode = 1 day) of battle strategies and gets easily defeated by no name trainers despite Ash's huge pedigree. The plots are largely standalone, but worse off is that the episodes are often times exact replicas of earlier episodes in the series just with different characters. It's incredibly repetitive because of that. Lastly, the background music is largely forgettable and doesn't enhance the experience very much at all.
No wait.. one more thing.
Pokemon weren't originally meant to say their own names when they speak but because of this Anime, all my non-Pokemon playing friends say Pokemon are voodoo animals shouting out their name and casting Black Magic.
(May. 05, 2011 8:18 PM)Ryuk Wrote: [ -> ]Why is everyone dissing Yugioh??? The anime isn't the best, but it's not even close to being the worst.
5D's really does suck. The original and GX were so much cooler. Then they made dueling a stupid fake Tron motorbike game.
Eh, 5Ds isn't bad. Of the NAS series I'd say GX is the worst. 5Ds issue is that it's basically a Gundam show disguised as a Yu-Gi-Oh! show. The plot concepts, and story are very dry and complex.
mine eiken...it has too...TOO much fanservice i mean its chucked over the 9000 era
Also Bakugan is a bad show too. I decided to watch Bakugan this morning and I was just laughing at the voice acting and the way the show was designed. Well similar to what To said, it kind of caters to children.
(May. 05, 2011 8:50 PM)maroyasha Wrote: [ -> ]how how can you say that vongola. you hurt my feelings. i highly disagree with you
The show is pretty bad, but at least the video games are good.
Pokemon,if it had i face book page i would dislike it(i think there is one) because when ash gets zapped he never gets hurt and they never change clothes,WTH? only every other season and the dont bathe?,yuck but thats the only reason but i still think Medabots is better
My is uh...;
Most Favorite Anime: Bleach on 1st place, DBZ on the 2nd, and Naruto on 3rd place.
Least Favorite Anime: Bakugan (I agree with Vongola Hibari.)
Okay i think i may get warned at the answer i gve so not for the mods eyes lol
my reason being is that it often goes on about things that don't exist in
the original
does do this but much less
My least favorite is Pokemon, followed closely by Bakugan. Everything To said is right-on for me, and for Bakugan, the plot has gotten so obscenely strange that I was turned off by the middle of Season Three, and I dispise Fabia. All-in-all, the shows and corresponding products seem to be aimed at kids with very short attention spans. I mean, why else would there be a new gimmick for Bakugan every season? And Maroyasha, School Rumble isn't that bad, actually. I find it quite humorous.
I hate Yu-Gi-Oh for its bad story line and bad characters. The way its set out is boring and all their doing is playing with a bunch of cards.
Gormiti is also a waste of time for its bad graphics and lack of imagination.
walance and gormiti so bad and bakugan so babish dan always wins and if not then he will train then defet him so its so boring
Bakugan, I can't believe kids would watch that stuff. The storyline does not make any sense and worst thing of all MY BEST FRIEND WATCHS IT NOOOO!!!!
As for Gormiti , when I first saw it I didn't even think it was an anime but it's overly repetetive and bland.
Sorry, I know there are many fans, but I hate Dragon Ball Z. Its so very senseless. Also, the characters look so very bloated.... I know they are body builders, but at least show that in a better way...