World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Toxik Creations Shop ^^
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Hi, Welcome to my Shop Smile

Here you can see all my products Smile

For me Smile
[Image: sansre13.jpg]
[Image: Amoi.gif?t=1304157139]

For TheBlayder
[Image: sansre1q.jpg]

For Own-Ray
[Image: Sanstitre-1.jpg?t=1304168664]

For PattyCakeChamp!
[Image: Sans-titre-1.gif?t=1304237477]

Thx Smile

If You Love My Works, it's possible to create a Sign for U Smile
Wow thats very nice =D
wow its very good.not bad for the first time
And I Create this for a Friend ^^
Wow, thats amazing for your first work. can you make me a signature, and an avatar? And if so could you make a custom beyblade facebolt with a dragon on and the word Dragulus on it? Grin
That was great for first time..I use photoshop and I know how tough it is to make that..nice one indeed I must say
For signature and avatar give me some pictures Smile
[Image: kai12%5Bg-revolution%5D.png]
[Image: black_dranzer_v2_by_livingdeadsuperstar-d333m9g.jpg]
and can it have a dark mysterious background, and TheBlayder in Black and Red.
If that was your first time its awesome because the more you use it the better you get
Thx all Smile TheBlayder => I Do it In next days Smile
(Apr. 29, 2011  4:46 PM)Toxik78 Wrote: [ -> ]Thx all Smile TheBlayder => I Do it In next days Smile

you rock! High Five! o/
Your Signature is pretty awesome! I will post a request tomorrow.
Hum You like it ? I do it very fast Uncertain

[Image: sansre1q.jpg]
OMFG, you sir are a win. Can you please cut off that bit of kai and put theblayder at the bottom for an avatar :3
Will you make me a sig to match my sig ???
Actually I'm iN my car lol i do your avatar in the night.
(Apr. 29, 2011  6:35 PM)Toxik78 Wrote: [ -> ]Actually I'm iN my car lol i do your avatar in the night.

Ok then, any guess how long you will be?
This Avatar is good ?

[Image: sansre2ns.jpg]
Yeh, its good but could you make 'theblayder' a little less glowy in the background :3
Yeh Tongue_out thanks Grin
If you even noticed my request then cancel it
Nice sigs! Good luck. If you get even mor better than you are now, I might even request!
PattyCakeChamp! => You need a new Sig ? Plz Send me Picture in my Message Box
wait....WHAT??!pattycakechamp,you are not allowed to request to other sig makers!it is not allowed!(also,the canceling one too)
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