World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [BUYING] Everything NIP/NIB for CHEAP, UK ONLY
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Hi, this is only for UK members so I know I can guarantee a delivery in time.

Basically on the 14th May our team is hosting a team meet up which all WBO members are welcome to. In the tournament I wish to give out a decent prize. The problem is I am REALLY low on money so I was wondering if anybody would donate/sell anything for really cheap which is NIP/NIB.

Please PM me if you can. The ways I can pay you are: In person at the next two official tournaments on the 16th and 30th. The other way is through PayPal etc I will prefer this method more.

All help will be much appreciated.

EDIT: The MAXIMUM I can spend is around £20

-Best Regards,
It would probably help people if you wrote exactly how much money you have, by the way.
Ok, the OP is edited, hopefully some good offers turn up.