World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [Sydney, Australia] When Beys Collide! (April Holidays)
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Sorry guys, looks like it's stayin on Thursday, as for Prizes, i should be able to buy them but if the worst happens, ill only get 1 for 1st place.
hooray i probs couldn't go on sat and do you still have to pay if you ordered a bladers pass but it still hasn't come
soo is it on the thursday or the saturday....

EDIT: Beaten...
I can't go, i am going to easter show on friday and well i cant afford to go up there two days in a row, i live in the central west.
at least it is not Fridday...
H8te that song
but now i can't come Unhappy
my dad couldn't get a day off
so i cant come
Yeah, hopefully I'll be coming tomorrow.

Edit: Although this may go unnoticed, Kuya. will also be able to participate.
hey do you only get a facebolt if you come 1st
so its on thursday its 5 dollars and theirs prizes and green x please put me on the maybe list
cant come green x
So you still haven't told us if its official...
it isn't for what i know for something to be official it would need time to get going but im not a mod so i don't know well we will have to wait until he says
can come but can only stay half time could you change from 2 to 1pm and also is it official because when i get their i wouldnt be suprized if your in good games and im at burwood park or the other way around
Whatpart of burwood park?
(Apr. 20, 2011  9:55 AM)Hope Wrote: [ -> ]Whatpart of burwood park?

in the covered are , where the chess is, or under the gazebo
but maybe since its official , it might be in good games

(Apr. 20, 2011  9:51 AM)storm pegusas5 Wrote: [ -> ]can come but can only stay half time could you change from 2 to 1pm and also is it official because when i get their i wouldnt be suprized if your in good games and im at burwood park or the other way around

yes now its offcal
ive said before I CAN NOT COME but would like to so yeah
hope u have a good time
ummm im comming... ill see you guys there....
I really need to know good games of burwood?
From the train station its on the opposite side of Burwood park so when you get off the train station walk the opposite way. Don't walk down to Burwood Park walk the opposite way.

Is it official?
i sent green x a pm and it said what place .well i think it is because its in the official forum
So it'as at good game.
But its not official yet...?
Of course it is.

This Thread is in "Official Events" therefore Making it Official Joyful_2
goood thanks
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