World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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I am darkbull619. I am with Beyblade for about 4 years. I saw it when it was 1st started and how it evolved. I hav all the seasons of Beyblade. I live at India. I have a request to the Beyblade Organisation. At India Beyblade tournaments are minimum. In fact no beyblade tournaments are seen here. Last time it happened 2 years back.

Please arrange a Bey Tournament at different parts of the country. We dont want to be left behind. If you arrange it please bring it to calcutta.
Thank You.....[/size][/font]
We do not arrange tournaments, the users do. Infact, you could host one yourself. Please read the WBO rulebook first and direct yourself to WBO General and look for any tournaments going on.
Welcome!!! Smile
i know that.... But why dont they organize 1 as a promotion of their show and products like the one in 2006......
waddya mean??? We are organizing one.. aren't we? In the Indian Bladers thread?
weren't the promotions done by funskool and/or cartoon network?
yup, there were tourneys organized by funskool and CN. Both were boring(coz I lost in the 1st round)......... He is talking about WBO promoting a tourney.... Which is wrong, and it means that he has misunderstood the site's true function.
Anyone frm Kolkata? If yes plsss PM me.....