KAh ;iewfgqeeu'goyhi ie hii kyaaaa I JUST HELD AN MFB BEYBLADE FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! 8D
They're so small and pretty. 8) It was a Black Pegasis and a Chiron. So yeah, you must thing I total loser but I found it pretty exciting. I so can't wait to order my own.
Yeah and I wasn't sure where to put this (is random thoughts for beyblade related thoughts as well?) so it kinda turned into it's own topic. But I guess people could talk about their first encounters with MFB blades (where you guys as excited as me?).....or this could lie here empty for a while and then get closed. XD
I didn't find them too exciting. But I was interested to see them in the flesh =D.
Eh, maybe it's a girl thing?
Either way, I am sooo stoked, I wanna go buy a bazillion right now. But I gotta go get a debit card first.

You don't have a debit card? You don't work? Whats this world coming to?
Lol. I keep meaning to get one by I keep forgetting to bring the right documents and stuff.

And I don't work because I'm in school? I mean, I babysit but......
I thought you were in college? But for your first blade I suggest buying the two reshuffle sets and a starter.
Damn, you found them exciting? I didn't D: The only thing I found interesting is Libras' Wheel
Personally I find the HMS more interesting, even at the beginning.
Haha. I don't think I've ever said that. XD Sorry if I gave a wrong impression?
I was gonna get some of the RB v1 of Blitz. I've got a few I want to get. And then I was thinking when they bring out that seperate orange launcher I'll buy one of them and some of the new boosters. Sound good?
fair enough, sounds like a plan.
Get, a Takara Stadium if you dont have one already.
Ah, that's another thing I need to do.
On topic anyone?
your not the only one.
i was enchanted by there good looks and the feel of them all christmas!

much, much better than plastics and i prefer 'em to HMS not matter what people say
(Jan. 20, 2009 9:38 PM)neek_alert Wrote: [ -> ]your not the only one.
i was enchanted by there good looks and the feel of them all christmas! 
much, much better than plastics and i prefer 'em to HMS not matter what people say
This^^^ I definitely prefer them too anything previously made, mainly just for aesthetics.
I just can't believe how small they are.
When I opened up the box they shipped in, I was thinking "This is an awful small box"
But Eeeeeee! They're tiny and cute.
And I can't get my winder fully straight, but it's a hell of a lot straighter than when I got it out of the package.
Overall, my very first encounter with MFBs was all about how surprised I was with them.
I was quite excited to get my MFB's, But best moment was when I got 2 Aries from the RBV1's then I was excited lol

Haven't held one yet. >>
lol but I always get excited for new beys.
i was pretty excited i was surprised because i thought they would be plastic sized though stupid me lol
I actually excited when I touch the package the first time

Sadly, I haven't even touched a MFB blade yet

i haven't touched one yet or seen one personally..when MFB's first came out i wasnt really all that interested, but then now it's all changed. Im really excited for the new releases =]
I was quite excited when my box from Y!JA came in. Was surprised how small they were, at first. That being said, the box did more than MFBs in it haha.
And for a little while I did not realize that you could use the Tool to screw on the Face.
(Jan. 21, 2009 5:01 AM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ]And for a little while I did not realize that you could use the Tool to screw on the Face.
I have never held an MFB before D: But hopefully I'm getting one for my birthday!
(Jan. 24, 2009 2:10 AM)Krys Wrote: [ -> ]I have never held an MFB before D: But hopefully I'm getting one for my birthday!
Me either, I maybe will be getting L Drago if only the person keep the price below 20 or at 20 dollar
(Jan. 24, 2009 2:46 AM)Ryuuga BB Ruler Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan. 24, 2009 2:10 AM)Krys Wrote: [ -> ]I have never held an MFB before D: But hopefully I'm getting one for my birthday!
Me either, I maybe will be getting L Drago if only the person keep the price below 20 or at 20 dollar
Yeah, the price is a killer for me

I just don't have that kinda money right now