World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Generation X Beyblade Analysis
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In the year of 2030 beyblades weren't bought in stores, they were made from YOUR SOULS!!!!! Not literally, well in a way, if you look at it, but not like you would think, anyways back to the story. People went to the large franchise known only as Bey-X Labs. There they put you in their personality analysis machine and they examine your attitudes. Some people's beys have mace-like weapons attached to the metal wheel. While others had stamina lasting as long as 3 days untouched. That brings us to our main character, Yuki. He has a stamina type bey. It's call Soul Taurus UD175 WS (Uni-Defense 175 Wide-Sharp). Yuki isn't like most bladers in the sense that he is blind. he sees only by feeling vibrations with his feet and listening to his surroundings. He uses a Magni-Launcher. Magni-Launchers are the finest thing on the market. They allow a bey to be launched with a magnetic field around the bey forcing the opposite bey away. Yuki feels the page and asks his friend, Luci, to sign him up for the tournament witha grand prize of $175,000 and the title of World's Light-Weight Beyblade Champion....
Awsome story
i really like it

Unlike most stories, this one is original. Most are, introduce character>character in hurry to get somewhere>queue idiotic battle scene here>character wins.

Yours actually has a plot to it. Pretty good if you as me Smile
heres 4 characters for your AWESOME story

Name: Izuma Inzori
Name: Sonai Inzori
Name: Hatachi Inzori
Name: Rez Inzori
I'm not taking Character Requests but thanks for offering Smile
Nice story, loving the blend of creativity while still keeping it original. Loving the idea of blind bladers and special-crafted beys too. I'll be checking back often.
Yuki had no idea what he was up against and didn't know what kind of bey the opponent had. He stood on the North side of the stadium and held his launcher with such grip his knuckles turned white. The announcer yelled, " 3, 2, 1, GO SHOOOOT!!" along with the crowd of what seemed like millions. Yuki pulled the string and felt his bey fly into the stadium at a 45 degree angle. He could feel that the opponent's bey was short and heavier than his own. The beys clashed and their was a gasp in the crowd and immediately the opponent's bey stopped spinning. The battle only lasted 10 seconds including the countdown and the launch. The opponent's bey had broken because of the force it was put under when being launched underneath Soul Taurus. It simply could not take it....
AWESOME!!!! I LOVE IT!!! Your story and your sig, both are awesome!
Yuki was in the dugout of the stadium wondering how his bey had managed such a thing. A stranger approached him. The stranger was a mid-size person and was abnormally tall. "Your bey has incredible strength and I have recognized it." said the stranger. " I don't know how I did it."replied Yuki. The stranger said, "You will realize the power of your bey when it is tested to it's max ability. I will be testing your bey." The stranger walked away leaving Yuki to think about what was said...
nice story dude
Yuki walked up to the stand in which he would launch his bey. The crowd yelled, "3,2,1 GOO SHOOOOT!!!"
Yuki pulled the string with all of his might and his bey launched into the stadium. He could feel that his opponent was the stranger that he talked to earlier. As soon as the bey hit the stadium Yuki had a sudden flashback.
It was a warm summer evening and there was a sudden explosion. He saw the explosion but then he couldn't see at all. He heard the voice of his dad yelling in distress. He turned to see him but then it went black...

He shook his head back into reality and felt the vibrations of the other bey. Yuki yelled, "Soul Taurus, Jousting Arrow!!!" Taurus leaned forward and charged toward the opposing bey at a speed like Sonic's. Just then the stranger gave an eerie smile....