How many stadiums have you had?For me I have only ever had 1 wich is the MFB endurance stadium,before that I use to play against other people in this plastic toy box.XD So just name the stadiums you have.
Spin Blaster
Some clear fake stadium that is similar to TA I think
MFB Attack Stadium
the only two i ever had was the mfb attack stadium, and the vortex stadium
2 stadiums:
Draciel Fortess
An old Takara Stadium (my 1st stadium)
but before that I used to use a metal barrel cover that was about 1 metre wide. It had a slight slope and a ridge (somewhat like the tornado ridge) along the edge. And it actually worked really well. (I'll see if I can get a picture of it)
Make-shift stadiums => Air hockey table (turned on

), and a giant metal cooking bowl (which I used ONLY when I got my first blade) LOL
<3 Good Times

(Jan. 15, 2009 11:59 PM)Aqua_24 Wrote: [ -> ]2 stadiums:
Draciel Fortess
An old Takara Stadium (my 1st stadium)
but before that I used to use a metal barrel cover that was about 1 metre wide. It had a slight slope and a ridge (somewhat like the tornado ridge) along the edge. And it actually worked really well. (I'll see if I can get a picture of it)
Make-shift stadiums => Air hockey table (turned on
), and a giant metal cooking bowl (which I used ONLY after I got my first blade) LOL
<3 Good Times 
Haha! I remember launcing my beyblade into those metal cooking bowls to XD
Owned by me:
Draciel Fortress
Top of a storage unit
Owned by others:
Thunder Rumbler
Various tables
Plain yellow hasbro stadium
The floor
Laundry Basket
Yeah I suck.

(Jan. 16, 2009 12:10 AM)Rocky Wrote: [ -> ]Owned by me:
Draciel Fortress
Top of a storage unit
Owned by others:
Thunder Rumbler
Various tables
Plain yellow hasbro stadium
The floor
Laundry Basket
Yeah I suck. 
I only got my stadium last month so before than I didnt have a stadium for 5 or 6 years

how long have you had draciel fortress?
(Jan. 16, 2009 12:10 AM)Rocky Wrote: [ -> ]Owned by me:
Draciel Fortress
Top of a storage unit
Owned by others:
Thunder Rumbler
Various tables
Plain yellow hasbro stadium
The floor
Laundry Basket
Yeah I suck. 
your not the only one

I've also used some of those. Before I got a stadium I basically used any surface I could find chairs, tables, sidewalks, driveway, etc. and those I listed already

I have:
Spin Blaster
Draciel Fortress
Driger Den
Dragoon Hurricane (That right?)
Thunder Rumbler
Mobile Stadium
Thunder Rumbler
HMS Stadium
HMS Iron Battlefield (THink that was the name)
Attack Stadium
Wide Stadium (Think that was the name)
Tornado Attack
I'm waiting for my Tornado Balance Type S along with the rest of the MFB stadiums released to get here...
(Jan. 16, 2009 12:19 AM)Raykon Wrote: [ -> ]I only got my stadium last month so before than I didnt have a stadium for 5 or 6 years
how long have you had draciel fortress?
About a month, maybe two? My church was having a bootsale and I knew someone had donated it so I went over early to grab it first.
Mum: You're going to help set up for the sale? That's nice of you.
Me: Yes.........I'm going to help set up.........>.> *runs at full speed to beyblades*
Before that the top of the storage unit was our main stadium. ^^;
All I've got is the Dranzer Flame Field.
My stadiums:
Cyber Draciel Stadium
Tornado Balance Type S
And I definitely plan on getting the MFB Attack Type stadium.
I have -
MFB Attack Stadium
MFB Balance Stadium
MFB Stamina Stadium
Thunder rumbler - eww
I've gone through alot of stadiums. Hmm let's see:
Old Yellow stadium (Maybe balance type?)
Green Attack Stadium (Comes with Dragoon V and 3 magnets)
Super Stadium(The One for the RC?)
Clear Attack Stadium(Won at a Tournament alog with a gold master dragoon)
Bey MagneDome DX
Endurance Stadium(Came with a Galzzly and Draciel)
Dranzer Field(Only had for two days T^T)
I'm sure they're more but I cant remember.
>clear hasbro stadium
>dragoon hurricane
>takara Beyblade H-16 Challenge Stadium Set with galzzy and draciel s
> fake sunrise brand stadium
Dranzer Flame Field
BBA Three-steps Balance(Yellow)
Great Slope Stadium
MG Stadium
MFB Attack
MFB Stamina
Broken ones:
Blizzard Bowl
Tornado Attack
BBA Defense(Blue)
Let's see ...
Previously owned:
Dragoon Hurricane
Tornado Balance
Tornado Attack (Tournament Black Ver.)
Tornado Balance Type S (Try Set Blue Ver.)
Tornado Attack x2
Tornado Balance x3
Tornado Balance Type S
Bey Stadium Attack Type (coming)
Bey Stadium Balance Type (coming)
Bey Stadium Stamina Type (coming)
Currently I have a Dragoon Hurricane and a Bey Stadium Stamina Type.
2 hasbro stadiums.
a blue plastic one, it was like thunder rumbler or something.
and I have the yellow/orange HMS hasbro one.
I have
Draciel fortress and HMS Iron Battlefield i had a blue stadium it was plain blue and kinda small i don't remember the name for it it was Hasbro.
Not counting hasbro stadiums I have two Tornado Balance's and a Tornado Balance Type S.
used to have ulitmate stadium super stadium tower stdium driger den dragoon hurricane
and now i have
tornado balance
mfb attack stamina and balnce
thunder rumbler draceil fortress
blizard bowl lol
I've got...
Bladebreakers Stadium
Cyber Draciel Stadium
Driger Den
Dranzer Flame Field
Tornado Balance
Bey Stadium Attack Type
Magnadome DX
i had the dragoon stadium but my cat wrecked it by going to the toilet ther ;(
(Jan. 18, 2009 10:30 AM)kaifan Wrote: [ -> ]i had the dragoon stadium but my cat wrecked it by going to the toilet ther ;(
so wash it