World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Free Avatars and Sigs by Nano *NEW ANIMATED NAMES*
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I am waiting for 5 days and no avatar for me Unhappy.
Sorry guys. I can't get on a computer. I've been using my Wii. Once I get my computer fixed I'll make them!
can you make this:
into a avatar,and my username in gold on the bottom?their flashing like my old avatar.tnx!
EDIT:make a sig to!
have something with maximum series my name in silver with a gold haze, supprize me
Did you two not understand Nanos post?
i get them just saying once he gets back on his computer he can make them
Can I have an avatar that flashes vulcan horuseus and flashes my name in white and black with a golden background? Thanx ahead! P.S. I am saving this for when your computer is fixed. I Just want a Avatar, With my name In black like my sig to replace silver the hedgehog at the bottom. You can start on it once your computer is Fixed. Thanks
hey could you make one with gravity perseus and hell kerbecs clashing like on the anime with sparks coming off them and the side with kerbecs the background a dark gold like the hell wheel with this pic in front and on perseus' side make the background with this pic and julias in front on the perseus side and heres a pic of julius just a little bit big to match damian just ask if you have any questions thanks
Alright Nano didnt know you had a sig shop Joyful_2 could you please make me a sig and avatar?

If you could may I have a silver Quetzalcoatl included in both, could the avatar have my name colour changing, in my sig could I have a rotating gif of quetz with my name in a funky writing, and you can surprise me with a background thanks.

Yours Sincerely Callum6939
Sorry that you can't use a computer. Just my luck. RIGHT when I want a sig, this happens.
Can I get an avatar with a Scorpio face in the background (black and whited) with Venumelion centered?
Do something with hell kebecs and make my name flaming red.
Put Kerbecs in the middle with 2 hell kerbecs 1 on each side.
Please Nano ?
Nano, I would like a sig that shows the "King Lion Furious Blast Shot" hitting "Dragon Emperor Soaring Destruction". Moving, please.
EDIT: Sorry. Forgot your computer broke.
Could you make one with big bang pegasis gold wing version and my name just like in my first sig and ginga and a nice background
umm Nano could you perhaps do one for me please
have you got your computer fixed
Could you make me an Avatar with my Username animated? I don't really care what else is on it. You do whatever you want. I understand your concern that I will change it in a week or so. Don't worry; I probably won't change for a while.
i want a avatar animated follow my avatar now i just want it fight could u do it? it ok if cant
Can you make me one? I don't really mind if it's a signature or avatar.

Words: ^Kakashi^ (flashing)
Can you grab any picture of Naruto and put it in the picture as well with Kakashi

can i get an avater with big bang pegasus and suprise me with the rest like you did to plasma apples?
i want animated sig
with kai,masumune ,tyson,jinka hagane, and background should be with dranzor on nature.
i am cancelling with you nanao.sorry
Can you make a sig with screw capricorn(beyblade) with screw capricorn colours in the background with pikachu and add my username(not animated) to it?
Can you please make me a Sig using this pic as a back ground:
This pic of hell kerbecs:
This pic of Gravity Perseus:
With my name Beau L 83 in what ever kind of font/text you think would be best.
Thanks in advance alot.
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