in any ones opinion which beyblade in yuor mind is the best and why
Wolborg MS. DOnt need to say much more.
Mm... not sure about a best but it's definitely a top 2 between Wolborg MS and Death Gargoyle MS. IMO.
i'm sure we've had this topic about a billion times so i'm just going to say wolborg ms
(Jan. 11, 2009 6:25 PM)neska Wrote: [ -> ]Dragoon MS
Why, can you explain? Its attack ring is pretty bad for attack, which is what its RC is for. Wolborg MS and DEMS are much better.
EDIT: Also, this:
AR: DEMS/Samurai Upper
WD: Circle Heavy

ragoon MS/MSUV
i dnt know much so dragoon gt? in plastic
(Jan. 12, 2009 7:32 AM)Tyson Wrote: [ -> ]i dnt know much so dragoon gt? in plastic
Definitely not but you may suggest Driger S

, however, within the scope of every original Beyblade released so far, an inverse spinning Wolborg MS is the king(If not used in TBTS or MFB Attack Stadiums)

totally wyborg B) jk wolborg ms is