World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: First Big Official MFB Tournament/Promo outside Japan?
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This morning I got this invitation(Due to that I'm a MFB bey taiwan member) that I'm preeeeety sure that it says a torunament at febuary 15. Also, it says that if I buy the BB20(bey try set) I also get an extra booster pack with it.
Touranment grand prize(?): Clearver Pegasis, Wolf, and Ldrago, I think
Pictures at bottom.

ALSO, this is not japanese! It's chinese.
Where is it, and what are the details?
Shing kong mitsukoshi A8, and I think the title says it all...
Awesome! Good luck!
How rude of me, I did forget to say good luck. Hope you do well! And have fun!!
goodluck !!! =]

and make sure to have fun
Have fun their and good luck!
Have Fun + Goopd luckz! Pwn 'em all!
good luk
Hey thats great good luck. I think you will have all of WBO cheering for you. =)
Make sure you tell some people about the WBO there! Wink
Wow, that's awesome. Good luck!
Good luck with the tournament!
and try get pictures and stuff that would be kool.
(Jan. 10, 2009  11:45 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Make sure you tell some people about the WBO there! Wink

HappyEric12 + Big Tournament = Free Publicity = a Happy Brad. lol
(Jan. 10, 2009  5:35 PM)Driger570 Wrote: [ -> ]A TORUNAMINT IN THE U.S. FEB 15 WHERE
Taiwan is not in the United States.

happyeric12 Wrote:My local store sells beyblades up to RBV2.(shame, no l drago)
This makes sense now, unless they are really just late in getting their stock.

Anyway, good luck, I suppose.
I didn't read the whole thing
(Jan. 10, 2009  11:45 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Make sure you tell some people about the WBO there! Wink

Yes yes... we should have signs like the ones you made for WC. Blader cards right? =)