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Full Version: Weight disk dilemmas. :3
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Yay alliteration. X3

Okay, as I was wondering which of my Weight Disks were fake and which weren't I was inspecting them a bit closer. The only ones I knew were Hasbro were the MMS so I couldn't judge by colour but I was looking closer and I found little codes on some of them. Yes I imagine these are well known in the beyblade world and I'm the only idiot who doesn't know, blah blah blah, but does anyone know what they mean, etc.?

The Hasbro ones have the codes C7, C6, C5 and C4 on them and the ones I don't know about say C1, B3, 4, 3 and 2 on them. And then there are some which don't have anything but they look badly enough made that I can tell they're fake. ^^;

So yeah, do these mean something like dates or series/generation numbers? And if the 'C-' codes are official what about the 'B-' codes or the plain number codes?

Thanks, love Rocky xxx
I think its just a printing thing to tell the difference, care to correct me anyone
Well, the individual codes don't seem to be limited to a specific part if that's what you're implying. :3
oh then i have no idea they cant be a blade related thing or theyd be specific and they cant be a factory thing otherwide theyd be specific. Mabe thats the factory where they were produced?
I dunno. But they could be blade related. For instance, if all beyblades released in 2000 carried the code B5 then you'd get a lot of different parts with the same code making B5 appear to be random when it would infact have a meaning.
yeah maybe but my 8 wide witch i had handy dosnt have it on
Is it an official Hasbro part? What did it come from?
ill check my other 8 wides ...
official hasbro dont have it on
and 8 balance just says 3. 2003 maybe?
But mine does. I'm damn confused now.
yeah and its proper hasbro nall
but i think iv heard summit like that before..?
I have some 8 balances that say 4 on , also I have one 8 balance that says c3 on it and one that says just 3 on. My 10 balance says B6. These are all definately hasbro. yruahippo do you know for sure that some of yours are fake or were you just wondering?
I'm pretty sure I have some fakes I just wasn't sure how many were fake. I guess if they have codes they're not fake and if they don't they are with my beyblades at least. I dunno about draciel09's uncoded Hasbro's. I'm just going by what I've got. I'm still interested in what they mean though.
If you post pictures of your WDs we can probably tell which ones are fake.
But I wanted to know what the codes stood for.....Unhappy
nothing probably otherewise theyd be on all of them
(Jan. 10, 2009  2:58 PM)Rocky Wrote: [ -> ]But I wanted to know what the codes stood for.....Unhappy

Nothing in particular, they're just manufacturing numbers.