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Full Version: Three blader battles anyone?
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I saw there was a thread about this a while back.....and it's just something I've been wondering about lately. Being as since I was little I've always had multi blader battles I don't really think much of even battles with 5 people much less 3 people. The majority of my battles nowadays are 3-for-alls. Uncertain
So I was wondering, what exactly is the deal with 3 player battles? (I mean I know 5 beyblades in one stadium is a bit ridiculous but 3 isn't that bad).
Is it likely that 3 player battles will ever be made legal?
What are everyones opinions on 3 player battles?

Sorry if this thread is too much of a repeat thread/pointless/generally annoying....=_=
I like 3-way battles, just because it can get interesting & there fun to watch as there generally more action Tongue_out
But dnt think they would be made legal. (have no idea if they ever have been lol)
i agree with blitz..3 ways are fun (i even play 4-ways with lids for those box/ bins as stadiums XD) but i dont think theyll ever be legal...>.>
They should never be tournament legal. Adding a third player into the mix really disrupts the flow of battle.
(Dec. 28, 2008  2:46 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]They should never be tournament legal. Adding a third player into the mix really disrupts the flow of battle.

Yah it get annoying and real harder
only if you have a big Stadium
If such a thing would be made legal, then it would have destroyed the use of attack types...
Never tried... Sounds fun, though!
(Dec. 28, 2008  3:10 AM)RayRay Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 28, 2008  2:46 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]They should never be tournament legal. Adding a third player into the mix really disrupts the flow of battle.

Yah it get annoying and real harder

Surely it being harder isn't necessarily a bad thing. Uncertain
The battle also gets longer and it may get boring with 3
^ Surely it would get shorter?
There was a long, but interesting discussion about this same subject over a year ago. Check it out if you haven't seen it before.

(I guess we can keep this open?)
(Dec. 28, 2008  4:24 PM)RayRay Wrote: [ -> ]The battle also gets longer and it may get boring with 3

most of the time the battle is shorter than its pretty interesting...watching blades go at it to each other lol

but then another thing...for it to be fun..youll probably want a bigger stadium than normal...or atleast a substitute XD
(Dec. 29, 2008  6:16 AM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ]There was a long, but interesting discussion about this same subject over a year ago. Check it out if you haven't seen it before.

(I guess we can keep this open?)

I believe this topic was inspired by Brad's. I think we could keep it open, since we have new members who can voice their opinions.

Such as I

I think a 3-for-all would be fun, but unless there was a stadium big enough to hold more than two Beyblades (while not having such as steep slope to keep them stuck in the center), I don't see this working out.
(Dec. 29, 2008  6:49 PM)Grey Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 29, 2008  6:16 AM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ]There was a long, but interesting discussion about this same subject over a year ago. Check it out if you haven't seen it before.

(I guess we can keep this open?)

I believe this topic was inspired by Brad's. I think we could keep it open, since we have new members who can voice their opinions.

Such as I

I think a 3-for-all would be fun, but unless there was a stadium big enough to hold more than two Beyblades (while not having such as steep slope to keep them stuck in the center), I don't see this working out.

You don't have to keep it open for too long. I just didn't feel like reading through the whole of the other thread and thought you might have changed your opinions since then. Smile

And the best I've used recently is the Thunder Rumbler....I think that's what it's called. I know it's hasbro, therefore it's awful, blah blah blah, but it's a decent size and doesn't slope too much in my opinion.
Only problem is the stupid bump in the middle. Pinching_eyes_2
(Dec. 28, 2008  4:24 PM)RayRay Wrote: [ -> ]The battle also gets longer and it may get boring with 3

Battles wouldn't necessarily get longer.

More than two players takes away from the importance of launching skill.
I'm beyblading with three people a lot and yeah we can only play if my friend brings his big stadium(it's still a bit cramped). Sometimes though two blabes gang up and the other one will stop spinning a bit to quickly, this makes the match alot shorter. Unhappy
i have no one to blade with poor me

Me and my mate uses to do this a lot but with 4 or 5 beyblades, we would spin them again and again when one stopped so the battles went on a while. Its a lot of fun but there was no strategy to it as it just gets too crowded.

Doing it with 3 sounds a lot more reasonable and there would be some strategy needed as you would need to customise your blade to be able to beat 2 others which could be different types.

There would be a problem with space though and the size of the stadium.
(Jan. 03, 2009  11:05 PM)NeoBlader Wrote: [ -> ]Doing it with 3 sounds a lot more reasonable and there would be some strategy needed as you would need to customise your blade to be able to beat 2 others which could be different types.

This is precisely why I think it's interesting. Joyful_2

(Jan. 03, 2009  11:05 PM)NeoBlader Wrote: [ -> ]Me and my mate uses to do this a lot but with 4 or 5 beyblades, we would spin them again and again when one stopped so the battles went on a while.

Do you mean you relaunched them before the other blades finished spinning? We used to do that. We had a rule where once your beyblade had finished spinning you could relaunch, providing there was another beyblade spinning in the stadium. The only way to win was to be the only beyblade in the stadium and stop spinning before anyone else could get their beyblade in. Seeing as that's such a small time slot it was pretty hard to win but it was damn fun. Aspecially as when your blade stopped, more often than not, there be a beyblade spinning stationary at the other side of the stadium (/table/lid, etc.) and you could aim straight for them. Not something I'd reccomend now but it sure was fun back then. Beyblades flying everywhere.
Yes i did mean before the others had stopped spinning and i agree with you saying its interesting.
I find it hard to get a good beyblade for both of the beys against it but i do win sometimes. Smile