World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Which Driger is Better between this?
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Hi every one, I was thinking which Driger is Better overall, I mean Attack, deffense and endurance, between Driger S and Driger G, and why is it better than the other, also which one spins more time. Can someone explain me(Driger Lover<3) Joyful_3.

PPSS: Just between this 2 Driger. Not any other Driger. Thanks!!!

S hands down. S has a great attack ring which is just awesome for upper attack, the WD tho common is 8-heavy(correct me if wrong) which fits perfectly with this blade. The BB is metal change which is freaking awesome! It can go from Endurance mode then to rapid attack mode if hit hard enough. Also it's small and great for combos! The only other Driger that came with this was V2, which is also a great blade, but alil bit clunky.

G is just...meh, the attack ring is nice I guess...
Please use the "Ask a question" topic for things like this later. Smile However, Everlasting_Blader is correct. Driger S is one of the best Beyblades ever. Driger G can be done without.
So Driger S can easily defeat Driger G no?, and which one spins more time, also wich one has more durability.

Thnak You Guys!!!! =)
With spin time, S will last longer, though I'm not sure about G.

S has a lot more useful parts, though.
Driger S is practically an indestructible beyblade. I've never had any of it's parts break on me.

Driger G is pretty durable too, but I think its Attack Ring is prone to breaking if I remember correctly. However, mine is totally fine.

In terms of spin length, again, Driger S trumps Driger G by quite a bit. The Engine Gear in Driger G as well as its goofy tip shape greatly detract from its spin time/endurance. Driger S has one of the most useful blade bases/tips.
But S can defeat G easily right, and have more durability than G right?
RayD Wrote:But S can defeat G easily right, and have more durability than G right?

Exactly. Smile
So Driger S is a way huge better and durable than G?, and S dosent break as quickly as G?
Well, though S is better, it's AR is thinner and more fragile than G's. It will probably snap during hard enough play.
Tuttali uses a dual launcher, and the launcher, from what I heard, kind of reduces the spin velocity of both beyblades. The battles are inaccurate.
RayD Wrote:So Driger S can easily defeat Driger G no?, and which one spins more time, also wich one has more durability.

Thnak You Guys!!!! =)

Both parts can be broken, but Driger S's AR is more fragile.

Driger S can surely out spin Driger G, but attack-wise Driger G generally has the UPPER (pun intended) hand. It'd also depend on the stadium used too though.
I really LOVE the battle with that dragoon g, is nothing comparate with Driger G, but lets centrate in the theme Driger G or Driger S, which is better?, which really spins more time and which is more durable? =)

Driger S is Less durable than Driger G? right "G"
RayD Wrote:But check out this battles:


That's not a really good stadium to use Uncertain
I swore I just saw an attack go directly straight so the Bey with the pointed tip (Driger S) should win.

Attack Ring wise yes. which overall do you guys think is better(Driger S or Driger G)? also for you "G"
Driger S is less durable than G?
RayD, please stop asking the same question over and over again.

Read this.
Yes, read that!
I don't think these two should even be compared in the first place since the only thing they have in common just the name "Driger".
OK guys...sorry =(, but I just wanted to know that. T_T
G Wrote:Yes, read that!
I don't think these two should even be compared in the first place since the only thing they have in common just the name "Driger".

Agreed. RayD, they are two entirely different Beyblades with entirely different functions.
Explain me hows that Tamer Brad, the two functions between them.
Driger S=Balance Type
Driger G=Attack Type
For you "G" Which one would you buy and why "G"? =)
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