im not sure if this is the right spot to have this post in so move it if it needs to be moved..there is a game on that isnt so bad at has pretty impressive graphics and is pretty much an rpg playing it as i type this..its a 3d based game so check it must download byond and register to for the game is here..
I'm trying to spread the word about WBO and MFB on there but noone's listening. BTW, the game's pretty bad, IMO.
I also tried spreadin the word...i only got 3 responses and i think they were new members today..i guess its a good game to pass time at least
Byond is DEAD to me. Everygame sucks now. I used to play Final Fantasy 2 online there and that was good, but when they wiped the server, I got pissed.
Plus all the games run slow!
Yes, but we could get a bunch of new members by advertising on there =P. There were a good amount of people playing while I was on(well, like 16), I was suprised.
Well I would've given it a go but I don't really feel like downloading a game that will, more likely than not, suck.