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Full Version: Notable Uses For Sagitarrio?
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This blade seems to be the worst in the series but maybe there is a possble use for it...has anyone found any uses?
no in about 1-50 matches it gets a cool looking K.O
It makes a good paperweight.
could it possibly be used to defeat libra by attacking the track only if it is low?
Just my luck that my horoscope gets the crappy beyblade. Pinching_eyes_2 Maybe you could make a neckalce? Or throw it at people?
Yea use Sagg. wheels as ninja stars!
(Dec. 13, 2008  7:48 PM)shikamaru526 Wrote: [ -> ]Yea use Sagg. wheels as ninja stars!

LOLz, they would so work in that case. I like your thinking my friend =D.
Sagittario has absolutely no use. It's lighter than any other wheel and has no use. It sucks. Bah.
(Dec. 13, 2008  8:19 PM)Anubis Wrote: [ -> ]Sagittario has absolutely no use. It's lighter than any other wheel and has no use. It sucks. Bah.

Period homie!! It just sucks majorly, you can just use it for display purposes, the wheel looks pretty sick in photos with the face =D.
(Dec. 13, 2008  8:28 PM)BeyUK-Espio Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 13, 2008  8:19 PM)Anubis Wrote: [ -> ]Sagittario has absolutely no use. It's lighter than any other wheel and has no use. It sucks. Bah.

Period homie!! It just sucks majorly, you can just use it for display purposes, the wheel looks pretty sick in photos with the face =D.

I dunno, I don't think it particularly looks good either. Uncertain
I have these two photo's (excuse the fuzziness, I'm using a 1.9MP camera at 72DPi, it looks better when shrunk down a bit):

Photo 1
Photo 2
i must admit, those pics make it look great..i just wish the blade had some use
Those are good pictures......but I still think the face looks a bit silly. And I don't realy like orange. I guess the track could look nice if it had a different face. Uncertain
evidence that there is no god
You mean by the use of Sagitarrio right XD?
(Dec. 13, 2008  9:24 PM)BeyUK-Espio Wrote: [ -> ]You mean by the use of Sagitarrio right XD?

I still have a lot to learn about people here. I'm still unsure on what people are responding to lol.
It's so useless I lost it the first day i got it. Uncertain
(Dec. 14, 2008  3:41 AM)Jehuis Rad Wrote: [ -> ]It's so useless I lost it the first day i got it. Uncertain

It's so useless even Chuck Norris couldn't pwn with it. Unhappy
It's so useless even Chuck Norris couldn't pwn with it. Unhappy

Wow, that´s impossible. Chuck Norris can pwn with anything..
actually Sagitarrio 125SF goes head to head with Bull 125SF, other than that it has been useless, however, when I get my Libra and Wolf I'll test a Sagitarrio D125BS...
(Dec. 13, 2008  6:12 PM)darkbladerx200 Wrote: [ -> ]no in about 1-50 matches it gets a cool looking K.O

This is pretty much the only thing it can do, judging from my use of Sagittario.