World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Just flashed in my mind.
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There was once a hotel at the yard close to my apartment
I always looked at it with my eyes locked on it
From the outside, it looked like a simple cement garbage
But when you hear the voices of people
And the joyful sounds of music
Coming from it
You would imagine people there
Having fun.
And after the festival
You would imagine them sleeping with happiness
Or having sex, for they are a happy couple.
I was able to imagine these for some time.
Not now, I looked at the window
I got bored of solving too many problems I've been walking after
In books of wide knowlegde which becomes carp when combined with schools
I looked at the window
The walls of the hotel were down
Bulldozers out
But not working
At the pitch-dark rainy nighttime
No one would work at raing though
But only this ruin was standing there and getting washed.
The ruin, washed, got rid of the good memories, and just its hard, made of cement skeleton is left.
I thought some, decided if that building would have been some living creature
I said myself that that building was just a mirror for our own lives
I said myself that I hate life when I look at that mirror
I said myself that I hate life because it does always wins
I said myself that I hate it because it does not let us cheat.

Crappy i know lolz Grin
ummmm . . .ok.

PS.sounds lyk a song
Actually I wrote it like 2-3 weeks ago, it was a rainy night, I was bored of studying Biology. I just looked at the ruins of the hotel that I mentioned in the poem and thought of writing something about it. But I should say that this one is way more longer than the original version of it and a bit more different.