World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: i need metal fight pics quick!!
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my uncle is in hong kong for tomrrow till the 9th of jan i know some blades are out over that time can any one get my thesse pics

L drago
random booster 2 secret pieces
and any other that are relesed over that time thanks guys
Have you tried looking in these threads?

If you're looking for detailed pictures, you're going to have to wait until there are some.
thanks i went on jp toys and got all the names will they be out in hong kong same time as japan??
I always was under the impresion that worldwide release is in 2010.
They're out in Hong Kong. There's someone on eBay selling the Hong Kong versions.

[Image: MFB%20BB02%20BULL%20125SF.jpg]

[Image: MFB%20BB02%20BULL%20125SF%20pix3.jpg]

And yes they are official.