World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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i filled my hasbro thunder rumbler arena with water and put it in the friger , once froze i spun burn aquario 230MS and it spun well over 6 minutes, a wierd arena and a world record , must get that on you tube
(Jan. 22, 2011  9:42 PM)bento2234 Wrote: [ -> ]Does anyone know where a beyblade tourament is :\

Wrong thread, that goes in Questions and Comments. Check at the main page under Upcoming Events.
another weird place I bladed on was a snow filled arena. i figured out how to make the snow not affect your bey, use c145 or h145 because they demolish the snow.
can anyone make a video and put it on the wbo to let us see what crazy place you bladed in?
The Weirdest place I've Bladed is a dog bowl.

P.S. My bey got all WET!!!
A sink filled with an inch of water.MS wud be tip tier in that cuz it makes a circle of water and waves that stop attack types
a super vortex stadium filled with airsoft bbs and a vortex stadium filled with water
ok, so far in this topic, i think the weirdest place so far was on a dog, the 3 most common places was a pool, something involving ice and maby popcorn, and the most coolest and most talked would be a skating dome. maby we should have a poll to see the weirdest and/or coolest place to beyblade.
I guess you could call this a weird place to Beyblade.
that's not wired thats killing a bey, im surprised he only destroyed his face bolt and clear wheel.
In my belly button!
top that. Smug
on my bed, it spun for three seconds and made a saw like sound
In a $100,000 dollar piece of art that my parents bought a few years ago... (hey, it was an intricately designed ceramic bowl and I used a rubber tip do lessen the damage if I had used something like metal flat!)
(Jan. 23, 2011  3:51 AM)GaHooleone Wrote: [ -> ]In a $100,000 dollar piece of art that my parents bought a few years ago... (hey, it was an intricately designed ceramic bowl and I used a rubber tip do lessen the damage if I had used something like metal flat!)

You must be really rich!?!
(Jan. 23, 2011  4:06 AM)r4sketch Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 23, 2011  3:51 AM)GaHooleone Wrote: [ -> ]In a $100,000 dollar piece of art that my parents bought a few years ago... (hey, it was an intricately designed ceramic bowl and I used a rubber tip do lessen the damage if I had used something like metal flat!)

You must be really rich!?!

Or his parents bought it for $2 at a Yard sale. Lol
In a PTW... Full of pop-its... With a Capricorn.
Well one of us is gonna have to take it to the next level and byeblade in fire... i think we should start doing videos also
at school were ther is kinda a miny arch and we would lanch them on that and beyblade but it stoped when the princiiple saw us
Metal Tin of Celebrations!
Well I haven't actually bladed in about 5-6 years but I do remember blading in this big tunnel that had a small stream going through it.
(Jan. 23, 2011  5:57 AM)MacroHunter Wrote: [ -> ]Well one of us is gonna have to take it to the next level and byeblade in fire... i think we should start doing videos also

creditz to blaze wheeler

P.S Click the link
That is it!
I will soon video my blading in a frying pan!
Or possibly fire whichever i decide!
I've only got a PTW stadium anyway
If i were to beyblade in fire, i would buy two dark wolfs and a metal stadium that will melt. during the battle i would try to cool it really fast and then have a staute like thing
the werdist place i have bladed was mid air.
(Jan. 23, 2011  10:20 PM)scipio132 Wrote: [ -> ]the werdist place i have bladed was mid air.

I had a complete Beybattle in mid air...
The weirdest place I've bladed was on a toliet(I was little)
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