Just wondering if theres any other Australian beybladers on beywiki?Doubt there is. TT^TT
Man,I wanna play you bey brad one day.I would go to the Usa just to play you.
I dunno when,but im goin to canada one of these holidays.
Brad is Canadian
Come to the USA to fight me
Im from Melbourne

Lol.Awsome!! Im from sydney but,Meh one of these days I will play SOMEONE from beywiki.
xD Awsome!! maybe we can play each other one day.
hey Raykon....I'm also an Aus blader.... though i must admit i'm getting mighty rusty...hehe....
You all should blade each other for Bey Points!
Im not sure how to get Beypoints.So I guess I might have to read over some threads.
Awsome!! Hey Natsyureic I should battle you some day.