World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: How can I get my school mates to stop teasing me
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I am teased at school about beyblades I am the only one at my school who plays what do I do?
Don't bring it up? That's generally a pretty good thing.
It's middle school, don't worry about it : \
I don't but now I am a target
Dont worry about it. In fact I bet theyre jealous. Beyblade is a sport and needs a considerable amount of brain usage in order to anticipate your opponents type of bey and come up with a combo to counter it. And if they have been calling it "Gayblade" tell them a buncyh of sweaty guys getting on top of each other in football or something is even worse. Either that or just tell a teacher Uncertain
Well, beat them to a PULP! :V
Or take their bit-beasts.
Lol I already gave this kid a pretty bad bruise with my bey
I wish I haddent it just got worst now I am getting pelted with iceballs all the time
my friends tease me too but 2 of them kind of like beyblades, they help back me up, try to convice atleast 1 of ur friends to like beyblades, and even if beyblade is a sport, dont tell them that it is a sport, cause theyll be like," yea right!", then they'll be going around telling people u think its a sport, but tell them its like a test, a test of knowledge, if you are reading the effects of performance tips and spin tracks and understand it, then these things will help u throught scool(for science that is), beyblades are very scientific
Yeah I tried that but they were like this is stupid and left so I gave up
Any one have any Ideas???????
Any ideas?
(Jan. 13, 2011  1:45 AM)BurnBull7597 Wrote: [ -> ]Dont worry about it. In fact I bet theyre jealous. Beyblade is a sport and needs a considerable amount of brain usage in order to anticipate your opponents type of bey and come up with a combo to counter it. And if they have been calling it "Gayblade" tell them a buncyh of sweaty guys getting on top of each other in football or something is even worse. Either that or just tell a teacher Uncertain
In America, you can actually get those kids suspended for calling it gayblade. If they ever call you gay, you can take them to court over it.

But if you'd rather not take it to that level, just say in a very sarcastic manor "Wow, you seriously have nothing better to do than tease me over a game I play in my spare time? Man, you really have some major insecurities or no life. Take your pick."

From there, build on that. Just act like Beyblade isn't a big deal and that they are giving it more attention than you are. The more you minimize it, the more they will take it down a knotch.
In 'american'? lol'd. Yeah, don't pay attention or tell somebody older.
Dude I will try that you rock now my question is how can I get some of my friends to play beyblade
(Jan. 13, 2011  2:05 AM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]In 'american'? lol'd. Yeah, don't pay attention or tell somebody older.
"Telling somebody older" won't do you any good, really, unless they are hurting you or using a racial/sexual slur. In middle school, you'll get called a tattle tail.

Paying some attention is ideal. Enough to know that you recognize that they are moving their mouths, but not enough to actually give a carp as to what they are saying.

Typos happen. Deal with it.
Yeah but what about my friends
Okay, I hadn't meant to become official deaf and mute when those people come around.. Middle School sucks, :V
(Jan. 13, 2011  2:06 AM)hotskunk Wrote: [ -> ]Dude I will try that you rock now my question is how can I get some of my friends to play beyblade

My friend got into it when I got him some for his birthday. But that was because my friend didn't really know about it. That could work if you gave some to your friend who doesn't really know about it. There is strength in numbers.
(Jan. 13, 2011  2:10 AM)hotskunk Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah but what about my friends
(Jan. 13, 2011  2:06 AM)hotskunk Wrote: [ -> ]Dude I will try that you rock now my question is how can I get some of my friends to play beyblade
This depends. Are you at the age where girlfriends matter? If so, get some semi-popular girls to play. You have to be a little arrogant about it. When I sold cell phones, a trick my store used to play to get people to buy more expensive phones would be giving them the attitude of "well, we have this Android phone that can only do everything, but that's too much phone for you. Here, try this flip phone." Most of the time, customers would feel challenged and want to go to the smart phone."

Do the same thing. Tell them that girls can't play, that it's a man's game, etc. and they will try to beat you. Make sure you can beat them so they keep trying. Once the boys see that the girls are playing, get the girls to tell them that they aren't man enough to play a spinning top game and that they'd only lose to the girls.

Just act like it's so simple, but at the same time, too much toy for them to handle.
Yeah I got him one and he just lost it he thought it was boring
Hopefully the girls won't just flame him and disperse.
Good idea I will try that on my girlfriend
You have a girlfriend and people still make fun of you? :V Flaunt it, and play beyblade with her publicly and make it sound awesome.
(Jan. 13, 2011  2:15 AM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]Hopefully the girls won't just flame him and disperse.
There will always be one or two girls who want to beat boys at everything.

As long as he's arrogant about it, he should be fine.
Any one?
My girlfriend well let's just say she is not the coolest person at school I don't think that will work and every one has a girlfriend it's not a big deal
I just told you your entire solution. I promote tournaments like crazy, I've gotten elementary school kids to do their homework twice as fast with Beyblading as a reward, and I can sell light bulb sockets to the Amish.

What more do you want?
Probably go to his school and follow him so everyone thinks he's a baddass?
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