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I've made sort of an experimental blog. I'm posting my MFB test results here. It may be replaced with another blog later which I will share with Brad. I just sort of did this as an experiment, and also because I think it would be easier for people to get my test results in one place. I'd like to have a listing on a website, actually... Like, you click on the link for that particular test and can view the results. We'll see!
Haven't read any of the results yet, but this sounds like a good idea!
Blog updated with Aries Aggression Test and Wolf Aggression Test.
(Nov. 11, 2008  10:11 PM)Anubis Wrote: [ -> ]

I've made sort of an experimental blog. I'm posting my MFB test results here. It may be replaced with another blog later which I will share with Brad. I just sort of did this as an experiment, and also because I think it would be easier for people to get my test results in one place. I'd like to have a listing on a website, actually... Like, you click on the link for that particular test and can view the results. We'll see!

Well, if we would have the videos of every match then you would be the chief-Kenny of the Beyblade Community, its really nice that someone has taken a step like this.

Thanks for this blog Anubis...
Just out of curiosity, why would videos be cool? O-o

It would just be me doing these battles over and over again...

Also I updated the blog with the Pegasis test.
Updated blog with Sagittario Aggression Test.
Updated blog with Leone aggression test. The next test will be Bull. After that, the tests will be summed up and will be complete until I obtain Libra.

I will do Quetzalcoatl if I ever get two of its Wheels, but I will only have one. I'll test it against something similar to get some kind of base verdict.
Blog updated with Bull Aggression Test.
It's very strange, Bull 145S has a better win ratio than Bull 125S.
Just read over all of your tests. Very informative.

I do agree with your views on the 145 track. There is not much reason to use it right now. It only increases it's chances of being knocked out of the stadium.
its a pretty cool iniative, however the information is hard to understand easily.

I think if you really want to make it great, enter / track these results with a spreadsheet so you can generate graphs and such.

!!That would be Super DOPE!!!1
I have no idea how to do that but thank you for the suggestion

I will be putting test results together into a simple article once all tests of one type are done.
Blog updated with Libra aggression test in the Attack stadium and Aries aggression test in the Balance stadium.
Very encouraging results, Anubis. It is a relief to see such low KO rates.
This is really informative, Anubis! And a nice idea. Any statistics on these blades can be logged on the blog.

Looking forward to testing to be done on Virgo and Aquarrio!
Testing begins tonight.

I expect a very high KO Frequency for Aquarrio. I expect a low one for Virgo. It has the smoothest wheel of all.
Virgo Wheel: The new Circle Upper??

Happily waiting for the results!!
Some minimal testing rendered it nearly impossible to upper Libra from the stadium with Virgo. It is completely non aggressive.

The wheel is capable of beating Libra, though, because it can upper it and destabilize it. It will crash into the stadium floor.

Right now, my objective is to defeat Libra090BS consistently.
pretty sick man
sometime I'll try to generate a graph