World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Samuel's Revenge!(A beyblade story)Accepting character requests!
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Chapter1:The Day Everything Changed (this is my first story)

From the age of 8 Samuel has been through a pattern.First pokemon. He loved it for about a year. Craving pokemon watching the show,looking for cheats online,to playing the game.Same with bakugan when he was 9.Then he grew out of bakugan.He was bored out of his mine.Then he heard about beyblade Metal Fusion.He looked online found out what it was.He got interested so he got some parts and he looked how to put it together and put it together.When he finished he got... Cyber Libra BL(ade)145 R(ubber)E(ternalSharp). He trained hard and came up with 1 special move...Supersonic Blasting Inferno Gunner. He tried it out libra vibrated and glowed green and the blasted 30 supersonic waves at a nearby tree. He was amazed. He picked up Libra and said "we're gonna be a great team"Just then he heard a bang he knew it was trouble...
To Be Continued!!! comment and rate plz!Joyful_2
comment people i need votes and comments so i can continue!!! PPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLZZZZZZZ
Very interesting story Grin Sounds like my life only... I'm 16 xD haha... and the Non realistic Beys but still.
What's his special move...??? What side do u want him on good or evil?
plz vote on the poll
What do the moves do? give me the awnser like this:
Dark Move:Hellfire Vaccuum Spike Smash:
Special Move:Hellfire Venom Blast:
Bey:Meteo L-Drago
Dark Move(>Grin) : Cursed Gravity (opponent's bey is lifted onto midair and breaks in pices >Grin)
Cursed Meteor can u make a special move 2 because i'm not gonna use the dark moves a lot
I need some good guys.good guys have to have american names
name:kevin hagata
bio:a nice,caring,and protective(of his friends but excepically of his bey he will not even let someone touch it) 12 year old boy who's bey contains a terrifing power(it a good power but it is very terrifying because it is so strong)he wears black jeans,black shirt with a pegasis symbol HE IS A GOOD GUY
bey:shooting star pegasis(the second clear wheel version)aw85r2f
special move:shooting star overdrive
the bey goes around the oppenent in a circle and gets covered in a black energy that has little specks of sliver that looks like stars and the track gets covered in black fire and hits them six times from all sides but on the 6th hit my bey hits the spin track and send them flying upward then pegasis jumps up smashs them down to the ground and then pegasis goes straghit down and the metal wheel and track hits the face bolt
.aw85 stands for attack wings 85 so its pretty much uw145(killer beafowls track) except the track height is lowered and the sides of the have spikes on them also it is made of metal.also the wings on the track come right to the end of the metal wheel and on my command and during my special move the wings get covered with black fire .the metal wheel is pretty much vulcan except each of the wings has 3 slighty curved spikes and in bewteen the spaces of the spikes about 3 millimeters below that space are slighty curved spikes that are set the exact oppsite way.lastly during battle pegasis can swich from left spin to right spin.
beyblade bio:has tremdously super amazing smash attack and aw85 shreds anything that touchs it(except for me and my friends)
Thank u dark angel ur character, Shadows character, and LDragobeast's character are on... Just gotta wait for this pm from LDragobeast
(Jan. 03, 2011  10:53 PM)SupersonicLibra Wrote: [ -> ]Cursed Meteor can u make a special move 2 because i'm not gonna use the dark moves a lot
I need some good guys.good guys have to have american names

is this special move ok?

Special MoveGrinragon Emperor Soaring Bite Strike(L-Drago starts hitting opponent's bey rapidly which steals spin)
it's perfect ur character is now in the story... These r the characters i've accepted:
Kevin Hagata
The chapter will be done in 5-7 min
Ok Chapter 2: Rage

Samuel ran inside to see what happened.He saw his parents battered. *Samuels's POV*I say three boys about my age ,one whom i had reconized, running away from the scene. Then my mom whispred for me. I rushed over to her. She said"B-bey... ugh bey blade group of thugs!."I asked her "which one?". She said " don't know *cough*but there were 3 people*cough*.What were there blades called?!?!?!.''My mom hustled to say the names."Rock A-aries, Meteo L-ldrago, and Blackfire Serprenter *cough*.I'll get those jerks if it's the last thing i do!!!! I promise i will defeat them mom.!!*tears* For you and dad!!!!!!!We got our house repaired and all the neibors came over to see if we were alright and stuff .And my parents got cared for too.*Next Day*I woke with my Libra in my right hand. Then instantly i remembered what happened. I hopped out of bed,put on my green and orange layered-tee w/ the libra sign on the front and back. Slipped on my Black Nikes and put on my cargo shorts.I went to my beyblade drawer and got out my string launcher and beypointer and attacted them to my launcher grip .Put my launcher in it's holder.I also put Libra in it's holder. Said good morning to my parents and told them i was going to go to find the criminals to what happened last night.Made myself a meal and my parents gave me a 100 dollars for food. Then i left to my first destination...Kevin's house.

To be continued Plz comment hope u like it!
This story pwns. I can't wait to read the next chapter. Joyful_3
NICE!!!! keep it commin
thanks guys... i might make another chapter today tell me what u like about it the most
you're 11? lol me too. I like it because its so good that I want it to be on TV.
I wish it was on tv too i can't believe there's another 11 yr old on this site
(Jan. 04, 2011  12:17 AM)SupersonicLibra Wrote: [ -> ]I wish it was on tv too i can't believe there's another 11 yr old on this site

are you criticizing me or complimenting me D:
complementing... i hope u know ur cool!
im gonna try to make my own story
hey i am 11
(Jan. 04, 2011  12:48 AM)darkangel629 Wrote: [ -> ]hey i am 11

if you are 11 then why does your profile say that you are 15 years old?
ok i made my own story.You guys should see it Grin
because some sites you have to be like 15 to join so i just put that for every account i make
because for some sites you have to be like 15 to join or do certain things on that site so i just put 15 for every account
i thik you might of heared this before

name Dain ?

apperrance magenta shirt bage cloack jeans black hair nike running shoes

bey Burn Leone 145cs
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