World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Wings of Change Tournament in Central Park (TOURNAMENT CANCELED BOO)
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Here are the two videos from the last tournament:
Part 1:
Part 2:

I WILL NOT ADD ANYONE TO THE LIST OF PARTICIPANTS UNTIL THEY SEND ME A PM WITH THEIR NUMBER AND I PM THEM BACK WITH MINE. I already have most of yours, but you will be required to PM me your number if I do not.

Saturday, November 15th, 2008 CANCELED
Location~ Central Park, Charles B. Stover Bench (C80 on the maps) (same place as last time, I just know the name of the thing now)

Here is a link to the page for it

Time~ 12:00 PM-Nightfall, but we'll play it by ear so everyone gets to play. Please be there as early as you can. The reason this is an hour and a half earlier than the last one is because nightfall is coming upon us much more quickly now as we move towards winter. It is dark by 5 PM.

Afterwards, we may go and have dinner at Planet Sushi again or we can go to another place via the subway. I heard of a really nice place with 25 dollar all you can eat sushi (the source I got this recommendation from really knows what he's talking about, so I am sure it rocks). It's called Funi Yama.

The tournament's name comes from the election which will have happened by the time this tournament begins.


I WILL WAIT AT PENN STATION IN FRONT OF THE TRACKS BAR AND GRILL NEXT TO THE LONG ISLAND RAILROAD (LIRR) TICKETING BOOTHS AND TIMETABLE BOARD FROM 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM. You may meet up with me there if you wish and travel with me to the park via the C train. If you have any concerns or special requirements, contact me directly.

Conveniently, the Museum of Natural History is right where you need to be. Ask anyone at the stations how to get there or go here for more information on travel from various places:

(Last time, the C train was not running and you had to take the A train to get to the right stop. According to the advisory, the C train will be running again during this tournament.)

From Penn Station or Port Authority Bus Terminal, you are going to want to get on the C train subway uptown . This will take you a few stops to 81st Street- Museum of Natural History. When you get off of the subway, there is an entrance to the museum. Exit through the street exit to the left and you should be able to get out and find yourself facing the park right outside of the museum.

You can also take the 1 train to Broadway and West 79th Street. It is close, but taking the C train will get you closer to the park and the area you need to be. The 1 train will not stop at Port Authority Bus Terminal.


[Image: Centralparkmaprevised.jpg]
[Image: Subway-Parkmap.jpg]

The map is revised now because the subway station doesn't dump you off right at the mouth of the transverse. So are the instructions.

I want to warn everyone not to exit the park through the 79th Street Transverse if you are alone or only in a small group during sundown and NEVER after the sun has fallen below the horizon. Only enter this way. Our goal is to leave the park before nightfall. When it starts getting dark, the tunnels on the Transverse become dangerous. I will bring a Central Park Map with me. I will accompany people out of the park and to the C train when the tournament is over, and then the ones who want to catch dinner will stay with me and I will accompany you afterward.

You want to move left from the subway station until you hit 81st street. From there, you will turn right to enter the 79th Street Transverse. Stay on the left side! It is a road. There are cars traveling along the Transverse.The Transverse comes off of 81st street on the North side of the Museum. Keep walking. You will pass through a couple of tunnels. There is one particularly rocky and natural looking tunnel with pipes hanging from the ceiling. There will be an entrance to the park immediately after this tunnel to the left. Go up the stairs, then go left towards the castle and walk to the top of the castle via the main stairway.

[Image: Belvedereabove.jpg]

Here you can see a diagram I have made of the castle. After you get to the top of the stairs, turn left and go down the other set of stairs there. You will encounter an area with green grassy areas and benches on either side. Walk forward, and you will see a split path. Go straight ahead to the stairs that go down around a garden of greenery, and you will be at the tournament location, which overlooks the Shakespeare Garden. There's a big stone bench with spirals on either side, and the stone bench sits atop a slightly raised oval-shaped area. It reads "Charles B. Stover". If I'm not there and nobody else is there, call my cell phone. Here are pictures of the bench in the tournament area so you know what I'm talking about.

[Image: DSC01699.jpg]
[Image: DSC01708.jpg]

Okay, finally.


Bring a stadium if you want to. We don't have Tornado Balance or Tornado Balance Type S. I'll be bringing MFB Attack and MFB Balance Stadiums.

Park Rules: Just don't bring any amplified sound devices like boom boxes and we should be fine. We really don't have enough people to warrant obtaining a permit.

HMS/Plastic/MFB, whatever goes. Round Robin style tournament.

The tournament is best three out of five for MFB. This means that you battle your opponent up to five times to determine the winner. If you win three battles, then you will win. If you are tied, then there will be a best two out of three tiebreaker match to determine who will win. For plastic and HMS, the tournament is standard two out of three format.

NEW RULING: We will begin with HMS battles. I will allow MFB to be used in this tournament. MFB VS HMS is allowed.

Tornado Balance

Tornado Balance Type S

Tornado Attack (If someone brings it)

MFB Attack Stadium (I'll bring this one)

MFB Balance Stadium (I'll bring this one)

Prizes? I am still figuring this out. I might have Beyblades for you, or we might just put money in the pot. We forgot to do it last time, but oh well.

White Afi
Bluezee maybe
AlphaOmega maybe
Caryl maybe
Clair maybe
DJSpida maybe
Vidkid440 maybe
Caryl and I will be attending this tournament as well. Can't wait.
this is great!!! a saturday and another beytourney and on top of that, im getting much better as time progresses, this looks like one ill be able 2 make it to 4 sure..and im lookin forward to facin Alpha since he won and he sounds good..always love a good challenge...cant wait 4 this
Awesome. Maz better come to this one.
stop naming your tournaments weird things
What are you talking about, Wings of Change is an awesome name! "Autumn Shakespeare" however, is weird. ;-P
(Oct. 28, 2008  2:43 AM)Anubis Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome. Maz better come to this one.

You speak to him?
I don't really think the names are that great, but hey, they get the job done!

I haven't talked to Maz yet but I sent him a PM about it.
I am def going to practice if I go to this one. I dont want anymore stupid miss shots. And I am also sick of always getting second =x
(Oct. 28, 2008  2:48 AM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ]What are you talking about, Wings of Change is an awesome name! "Autumn Shakespeare" however, is weird. ;-P

it doesn't make any damn sense
hey, imo, i could care less about names bcuz even if it were named jimmy crack corn then its still a beytourney that will be exciting..thats how i see it
I named it the Wings of Change tournament because it's happening right after the presidential election. Besides who gives what it's called anyway

I'll name it something better if I think of something better
oh no i don't actually care

i mostly think it's funny
Okay good XD
Ill see if i can make it. I dont know though manhattens a pretty big commute.
I'm going to assume that means no, but okay
And by the way, yeah, it's a big commute, but it's worth it for awesome sushi and Beyblading. Seriously I have to lug this carp around from Mineola and stuff too. Let's just all try really hard to make this. It was super fun last time and it could be REALLY fun if we had more people. The video to the other tournament is nearly complete, too. I'm in the process of cutting it in half and uploading it to Youtube. I will then put a link to it here and in the old topic.
People don't really have a right to complain about a lack of Beyblade tournaments if they're not willing to travel for them. The community's lucky to have someone like you.
Here are the two videos from the last tournament:
Part 1:
Part 2:

And Brad: <3
woot awesome videos
ok im confused. the topic said the tournament is in the 9th. saturday. but the 9th is a sunday. so is it on saturday the 8TH or sunday the 9TH??
Oh carp you're totally right! It's the 8th, I'm sorry! ARGH now I have to edit the video! x3; Sorry everyone.
Second video is back up. Fixed all links.
meh dont sweat it anubis. i was just confused about the dates, lol. its a good thing it was corrected soon and people didnt show up on the 9th lol XD
They would have started asking questions if they actually looked at a calender like you did =D.
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