World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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mine was a dranzer that i got in 2001
Mine was a Draciel V because my favorite animal is a turtle and it looked cool. Plus all my other friends had Driger and Dragoon
my first beyblade was storm pegasus...yep dont like attack types
FIRST Driger! don't remember the name cuz i was a wee lad around 7 when i got him! driger was always my fave
GT Dranzer.
my first was a wing attacker and a blue seaborg 2
i got a dragoon when i was 1 i know so young which was 2001
(Jul. 25, 2010  2:15 PM)RエスコルピオT125JB Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 24, 2010  2:38 AM)pegasis105rf Wrote: [ -> ]dragoon

Which Dragoon, I'm interested to know
the first dragoon
LOL Dragoon Storm ?
My first blade was Master Dranzer. I chose it cause of the blue color xD I still have it too ;D
My first was a phantom force wolborg which i still have. in my opinion it's epic beacuse it's my fave bey and i love it i have not yet lost with him...
My first beyblade was my awsome master dranzer (hasbroUnhappy) i never use it anymore to much sentimental value afraid to break it it's sooo worn Smile
i'm suprised i actually remember but, seaborg was totally my first.

its still one of my favourites too.
(Oct. 20, 2010  1:02 AM)victorchen13 Wrote: [ -> ]i got a dragoon when i was 1 i know so young which was 2001

I am surprised how no one commented on this but it says 8+ at least 5+ on box how did anyone buy you a bey at the age of 1 ???
My first beyblade was Bakushin-Oh

ha it was funny my dad brought me this bey in a surprise and me and my bro were telling 'I want the blue one' 'I want the green one' "didn't know the names back then" and ending up having the purple one our first beyStupid

Sadly I don't have it any more ending up rubbing the tip against the plastic chairConfused
my first one was around 2004 it was a driger electronic beyblade.
where i live it stopped by around the first half of g-revolution/
My frist one I got was the original Dragoon. (Plastic)
Okey Dokey, I did not ever get the Driger S, but my friend just gave me a Strata Dragoon G yesterday. Yipee, the Strata Dragoon is my first.
I found the AT at the back o' my room.
First plastic- I think it was galzzy.
First mfb- rock leone and dark wolf
RC Dragoon V2, as for MFB: Storm Aquario.

EDIT: I was 3 when I got Dragoon.
Plastic: Spark Knight
It broke after a week ;(
After that I bought Gekiryu-oh Smile
Which broke a few months later :<

HMS: Driger MS
Pretty much the only HMS blade I ever had (next to my younger brothers' Strata Dragoon MS)

MFB: Poison Serpent & Dark Cancer
Mine was a Dragoon F.
draciel but i lost it
my first bey was a venusian g