World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: FS: DDRMAX 2 and dance pad- BOTH NA PS2
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Yes, I'm selling yet more stuff.
This time it's my copy of DDRMAX 2 and my dance pad. The dance pad is one of those boring soft ones, I've had it for a few years but it still works fine. I'm selling this stuff because I hardly use it anymore, and, again, the space thing. uu;
Game includes manual and everything, but keep in mind that this is the North American one.

I'd like 40$ CAD for both, not including shipping. :]

Payment by Paypal only, please. I can take CC.

I can provide pictures if you want them.

Thank you for your interest!
ichida, make her dreams come true, i know you're (surprisingly) good at ddr
whoever buys also gets brad's nudes
i kid, i kid
this is just a fact of life

and an ace sales incentive
funny youre selling it. my brothers birthday just passed yesterday and we went crazy looking for ddr max 2 and max to complete our ddr ps2 game collection( got all them except max now). we are really into ddr. supernova 2 unfortunately isnt too good. if anyone got max 1 however we might be able to make a deal.
I'm sure I still have a copy of DDRMAX2 somewhere in the mess of my brother's games and my home pad is somewhere in this house, hidden behind furniture or something, XD
i had to order max 2 online cause they stopped carrying it in stores.
Would any of you consider buying this stuff if I lowered the price? D: