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Ok whats every ones fav stadiums mine are hasbro= draceil fortress,drgoon hurricane,and driegrs den.then takara= japanease super stadium,japanease ultimate stadium,tornado stadium,wide endurance and the tower dome.
Tornado balance is an awesome stadium.
Takara MFB Attack Stadium. Driger Den is the only real stadium I have (besides HMS stadium, which is okay, I guess), and it's not that great. I hate the dips in the middle. So I like Takara's MFB Attack Stadium by default.
(Sep. 20, 2008  7:55 PM)Grey Wrote: [ -> ]Takara MFB Attack Stadium. Driger Den is the only real stadium I have (besides HMS stadium, which is okay, I guess), and it's not that great. I hate the dips in the middle. So I like Takara's MFB Attack Stadium by default.

takara MFB attack stadium rules i like tht more than the tornado balance personly, but i forgot 2 put it up there.
I like the Tornado Attack.
(Sep. 20, 2008  9:43 PM)G Wrote: [ -> ]I like the Tornado Attack.

Yup, seconding this. Tornado Balance is too wide and a little boring and TBTS is too small for any real battle to happen.
The first yellow balance stadium(A-5: Tri-steps Stadium) of Takara...
Tornado Attack and Hasbro's Vortex Stadium, damn the thing was massive.

Wouldn't mind checking out the huge one Takara made, that has Two launching ramps on the side, forgot the name though Pinching_eyes_2
Vortex is alot of fun when your messing around.
(Sep. 21, 2008  3:32 AM)Sega Wrote: [ -> ]Tornado Attack and Hasbro's Vortex Stadium, damn the thing was massive.

Wouldn't mind checking out the huge one Takara made, that has Two launching ramps on the side, forgot the name though >.<

I think it's called the Super Bey Stadium? It's for RC Beyblades.
(Sep. 21, 2008  6:12 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]
(Sep. 21, 2008  3:32 AM)Sega Wrote: [ -> ]Tornado Attack and Hasbro's Vortex Stadium, damn the thing was massive.

Wouldn't mind checking out the huge one Takara made, that has Two launching ramps on the side, forgot the name though Pinching_eyes_2

I think it's called the Super Bey Stadium? It's for RC Beyblades.

Ahh yeah thats the one, if anyone has one is it any good?
(Sep. 21, 2008  6:52 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]

I was planning on getting this from YJA auction for like 300 yen, but I was afraid it'd jack up shipping price since it's looks too wide.
I like the Draciel Fortress stadium. The Vortex stadium is great for size, but the slopes are not steep enough, meaning attackers tend to lose to survival types (unless they score a KO).

The Tornado balance is great as well. The first Takara stadium I've ever played in. Much more freedom that Hasbro stadiums.
I like my Earthquake stadium, its steep and pockets are fun because then they just come back and you mainly have to win by outspin.
I also like the Bladebreakers stadium. The Blizzard bowl was okay, but nothing to spectacular IMO
Yah my friend has the Blizzard Bowl, its not very fun to use IMO.
On a side note, the vortex arena is good for spectacular KOs though. However, because attack types aren't really all that effective in this arena, they are quite rare.

I only played in a Blizzard Bowl once, back in Primary school (Elementary school, as Americans say). It wasn't a fun experience. Battles where quite boring... Until my Metal Driger's EG went off xd
(Sep. 21, 2008  4:35 PM)ChozenBlader Wrote: [ -> ]I like the Draciel Fortress stadium. The Vortex stadium is great for size, but the slopes are not steep enough, meaning attackers tend to lose to survival types (unless they score a KO).

The Tornado balance is great as well. The first Takara stadium I've ever played in. Much more freedom that Hasbro stadiums.

yay! some one eles who likes the draceil fortress i love tht stadium
The Fortress Stadium was my very first. I will always like it. Actually, now I wanna buy one... xd
(Sep. 21, 2008  6:04 PM)ChozenBlader Wrote: [ -> ]The Fortress Stadium was my very first. I will always like it. Actually, now I wanna buy one... xd

hehe i got mine at a car boot for 50p and form tht day on loved tht stadium.
I think I got mine from Morrisons. Back then the shop was called Safeway though xd
My favorite Hasbro stadium is Dranzer Flame Field(my first) or the Vortex Stadium. My favorite Takara is the Attack stadium(the original red one) since its the only regular Takara stadium I have(I have the Magnedome DX, too but it has pockets).
I like the Magne Dome DX, Takara Magnecore Stadium, and the Hasbro Stadium 1
Anyone who has a Hasbro stadium on their list disappoints me. Unhappy
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