World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: MFB-Subs.....
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Hey, Guys. I want to start a sub-group, for Metal Fight Beyblade (+MFB Baku) but there's a little problem........ I just know some Japanese words........ Let's say, I understand 20-50 words per Episode. Yeah, enough to understand the most, but I want to watch it subbed. So I looked, but I didn't find something. So I had the idea that I could make an own sub-group.....
But I can only do the Timing and Encoding...... So I need a Translator.
I wouldn't have a problem to do english AND german subs (by the way, I'm german xD) I just need a translator... The Translator should have enough time to release 1-3 Episodes per week, so he/she needs good Japanese-knowing. He/She have not to speak german, I'm very good at english.

So, when here is someone, who want to do the project with me, please answer this thread or send me a PM.

Oh, before I forget it..... Sorry, if my english is not so good but I have a f***-teacher, by the teacher you become more stupid, instead of more clever.....