i was looking for bladers but it seems no one live in omaha,ne<USA> that plays beyblade but im sure theres tons.Oh and can someone help me find out how to set up an offical tournament.Its like 12:00am i spent all night looking for bladers on google and everything else.So im looking for a challenging blader in omaha,Nebraska<USA>
You need to put the prefix inside brackets [ ] and you need to add "USA" as well, because North America has other countries.
I live in Norfolk which is about 2 hours away. My dad works there so...
I want a tournament in NE im from Springfield, Nebraska so lets get one started
Hi I live in Omaha Nebraska and ill battle you because I can't find anyone to battle with me
i live in omaha,ne and toys r us has some occasional tournamens
I live in Omaha, Nebraska! I live literally a 5-10 minute walk from Burke High School, & I really want to battle someone!And I am 12, so don't think I'm some total stranger who's trying to kidnap you! I've never participated in an actual WBO tournament before, cause I don't think they've had any in Omaha, and if they had, I've had absolutely no isde where! PM me if you know of any happening soon!
I have parts of lightning l drago , l drago destructor f d, meteo l drago I hav no left rotation launcher though???????????????????
(Jul. 24, 2015 5:49 AM)Ryuga 9801 Wrote: [ -> ]I have parts of lightning l drago , l drago destructor f d, meteo l drago I hav no left rotation launcher though???????????????????
I just don't hav a left rotation launcher . I live in nebraska
(Jul. 24, 2015 4:14 PM)Ryuga 9801 Wrote: [ -> ] (Jul. 24, 2015 5:49 AM)Ryuga 9801 Wrote: [ -> ]I have parts of lightning l drago , l drago destructor f d, meteo l drago I hav no left rotation launcher though???????????????????
I just don't hav a left rotation launcher . I live in gibbon nebraska
i live in ragan and if any of you guys want to batlle or set up a tournement check out my threads
p.s. that is in nebraska by that i mean reagan
I live in Lincoln Nebraska. I hope I could join.
(Feb. 15, 2018 10:54 PM)Zeref666 Wrote: [ -> ]I live in Lincoln Nebraska. I hope I could join.
i live in lincoln to
I live in Papillion Nebraska which is basically Omaha, I know a few people in my area that still enjoy beyblade as do I, is there anyone here interested in trying to get a group together?
is anyone here
i need a team
i need a team
Hello I am also around the Omaha area. if anyone wants to battle.
Most of my tops are fusion/fury/masters. Does anyone here still use those beys?
i used to but i lost them to the flood
i had l drago destuctor and metoe l drago
(Nov. 10, 2010 3:56 AM)kandoo Wrote: [ -> ]i was looking for bladers but it seems no one live in omaha,ne<USA> that plays beyblade but im sure theres tons.Oh and can someone help me find out how to set up an offical tournament.Its like 12:00am i spent all night looking for bladers on google and everything else.So im looking for a challenging blader in omaha,Nebraska<USA>
I am a 12 year old looking for people to battle and I live in Omaha,NE Edit:I use Burst Beys
Commenting here even though this thread looks older. Are there any bladers in Nebraska? We live near Kearney and my son would LOVE to connect with other bladers as well as find a tournament!
I'm here in Omaha, and I would love to be part of a tournament, or maybe even help in getting one setup!
I use Burst Beyblades.
(Oct. 26, 2022 6:38 PM)DigiBladerMon Wrote: [ -> ]I'm here in Omaha, and I would love to be part of a tournament, or maybe even help in getting one setup!
I use Burst Beyblades.
I am in Lincoln and would love to have a team and be involved in a tournament.
Norfolk ne if anyone wants to battle
(Mar. 12, 2023 7:39 AM)Dgkcarlos Wrote: [ -> ]Norfolk ne if anyone wants to battle
Do you ever go to Lincoln? I would really like to get a tournament going.
Omaha NE here! Looking to host a meet up sometime in early August, most likely at Elmwood Park since it's fairly central. Would love to gauge interest so I can plan it out a bit better and maybe get some help with setting things up.
(Oct. 26, 2022 6:38 PM)DigiBladerMon Wrote: [ -> ]I'm here in Omaha, and I would love to be part of a tournament, or maybe even help in getting one setup!
I use Burst Beyblades.
(Mar. 12, 2023 7:39 AM)Dgkcarlos Wrote: [ -> ]Norfolk ne if anyone wants to battle
(Jun. 17, 2023 12:35 AM)Master Blader 1 Wrote: [ -> ]Do you ever go to Lincoln? I would really like to get a tournament going.
Double posting but forgot to quote y’all. Shoot me a DM if you’re interested in getting something put together!
i want a tournament in nebraska ur the first person who posted one