World Beyblade Organization

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"C'mon Gil!"
Terry Kimura was a 13-year old blader who had always been fascinated with the game. Since he was little, he had always entered matches in Kindo City, where he was born. Though he Always lost until he turned 10, he still had fun. When he was 10, he found the bey he uses now, Fortress Gil Metal Defense 125 Rubber Semi Flat.

Terry was well known for getting into others' battles, because he just can't sit still. This finally catches up to him, and he ends up in a battle with one of the most feared bladers in Kindo City, Shinto Kasume.

"Go! Lacerta!" Shinto's Flare Lacerta 90F flipped Gil into the air, and tried to KO it.
"Gack! Gil, Ray Blitz!"
Gil came flying back down the slope of the stadium, and seemed to glow with a blue aura.
"Okay! Lacerta, Destruction Claw!"
5 minutes later, Terry leaves with a big grin on his face, and a few more scratches on Gil to show off.

He goes to the nearest Beypark to battle with his buddies. On the way there, he drops Gil on the ground.
"What are you doing, Scatterbrains?!"
"Huh? Wha?" Terry looks around, and sees nobody.

A girl about Terry's age seemingly materialized out of nowhere.
"Look at your bey! It's practically scrap metal!"
"Huh? You mean Gil?"
"Well duh!"
She snatched Gil and told Terry to follow her. Terry, confused, obliges. She leads Terry to a hobby shop on the edge of the street.
"So what does this shop have to do with my bey?" If Terry had a weakness, it was that he had no idea what was going on half of the time. It also was his greatest strength.
Now the girl looks steamed.
"You just dropped your Bey! And look at all of these dents and scratches! Ugh, What's your name?!"
"Uhh... Terry. What's yours?"
"Miyu." She said this as if she hadn't a care in the world.
"Well then, hiya Miyu!"
Miyu noticed that that same unaware look never left his face. She decided that she would personally be responsible for him and Gil.
Part 1 End...

Part 2
The next day, Terry goes to pick up Gil, and finds Miyu in front of the hobby shop looking very closely at the Clear Wheel.
"What's wrong with Gil? Why are you looking at it like that?"
Miyu seemed to be concentrating, so Terry sat down on a bench near the shop. Five minutes pass, and Miyu doesn't look up.
"Hey! Are you listening? What's wrong with Gil, did I break it yesterday?"
"......Huh?" Miyu hadn't heard a word Terry said, and just noticed that he was there. Though she was surprised, she immediately got to her point.
"Look at this, Gil isn't symmetrical, unlike most other Clear Wheels."
"And? I don't get it."
"That must change the way it's weight is distributed. There has to be heavier on the smaller side, to counteract the overlapping material."
"Uhhh... I still don't get it..."
"Gil, MD125, and RSF, are all great balance type parts, because Fortress has even more recoil than a Rock wheel, and RSF prevents self KO's!"
By the time he finally understood, Terry was really hyped. "So I can attack, and defend at the same time!"
"Exactly!" Miyu was ecstatic to see such a unique and weird bey.
"Balance huh?" A mysterious voice rang out over the trees.
Terry tensed, and swung around, recognizing the voice.
"Long time no see, huh Terry?" This kid had a snide sound in his voice, and was apparently sarcastic.
"Huh? Gingka!?"

Part 2 END

Part 3
"Gingka, you have no right to be here!" Terry was one PO'ed blader. He had already met this guy, and he never says what happened, but it seems to have left him with an uncharacteristic anger towards Gingka.
"Hrmph. I have every right to be here, I won our little battle last time right?"
Terry doesn't exactly respond well to taunts... "I'll take you on right now! I'll destroy that bey of yours!"
Miyu had no idea what was going on, and had never seen Terry so serious, let alone furious.

"Heh... Prepare for my Shadow Pegasis3 R85MF!"
"That bey...I'll destroy it...Even if it's the last thing I do!" Terry whips out Gil, without even bothering to find a Beystadium. People were stopping to watch the two battle in the abandoned lot next to Miyu's shop, wondering if the non-sloped, but well-kept enviornment would make a difference. It would.
"Hello?! Can someone tell me what's happening?" Miyu did not like being confused. "I think I've heard the name Gingka before... I got it! You're Gingka Hagane, user of Pegasis 105F, Storm Pegasis 105RF, and Galaxy Pegasis W105R2F!"
"Correct! But it doesn't matter if you know who I am, your boyfriend's gonna lose anyway!"
"WHAT?!" Both Terry and Miyu were confused and furious at the thought. "That's it! 3..."
"Go Shoot!"
Immediately the battle was centered around each blader's desire to destroy the other. They instantly went right to repeatedly bashing each other, with a force onlookers couldn't help but admire.
"Gil! Let's finish this quick! Special Move, Ray Blitzer!"
"Pegasis, Special Move, L-Incarnus!"
The two baldes collided with massive energy, and sparks from friction flew, but nobody lost any stamina, according to Terry's BeyReader. Actually, quite the opposite happened, both beys GAINED energy from each other, it was weird. Terry didn't look very impressed, as if he had seen the attack before, but just didn't know how it worked. Then it hit him as Gil was bounced backwards.
"Counter Clock-Wise Rotation! That's Pegasis' new clear wheel's secret!" Terry thought he had figured his bey out.
"True, but false. I got this idea after defeating Caesar and Gravity Perseus. My bey can use the forbidden power of Twin Rotation! Now, Shut up and let me destroy you!"
"No way! Gil! Defender Claw!" Now, instead of the whole bey glowing with a soft blue, the light was focused around the Track, and was much harsher. It moved at a speed that rivaled even Galaxy Pegasis.
"Pegasis! Let's go, Pegasis Thunder Whip!" Pegasis' Track crackled with electricity, and headed right toward Gil, seeming to want to use all of it's might to destroy it, just as it had destroyed that weakling Rock Leone that tried to stand against Gingka.
The beys collided, and both were pushed back about five feet, bouncing around to regain their balance, once they did, the beys went right back to fighting. Instead of looking mad, as he had the past five or six minutes, Terry looked...concerned and confused.
"What happened? Why are you like this Gingka? We coulda been buddies. But now... Now you're just... Just like... Well, now you're just like Ryuuga and L-Drago! Look at yourself! Look at Pegasis, your precious bey! And then I CAN NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THAT, GINGKA! Gil, destroy Pegasis, and Gingka! Give it all the power you've got!"
A small crocodile sized dragon seemed to crawl out of the bey, and Gil charged in a way that was reminiscent of a Dragon's charge for food.
"Gil! Tearing Jaw!" Gil attacked with speed unheard of, let alone matched.
Pegasis and Gil collided once more, but even though it seemed that Gil had the upper hand, it was easily knocked away. Gil recovered, and attacked with significantly more speed, colliding with Pegasis with enough force to leave a small crater in the ground where the collision happened. The crater changed nothing, though. It was as if the beys were too busy fighting, that they didn't notice the damage to the ground.
"Yes! Give me your anger! Feed me!" Gingka sneered that same way as he did earlier. After grinding for about 75 seconds, Pegasis struck Gil once, and that was all she wrote. Terry was done. Gil bounced back to Terry, scorched, and cracked. Gingka walked away laughing.
"I've gotten Kyouya, Benkei, and Terry, now for Kenta... Bwahahahahaha!"
"GRAH! I lost again! I'll just have to train! And train some more! That can't happen again, next time I will win!"

Just then, a blimp advertising a world tournament flew overhead. Miyu noticed, but Terry was too busy wondering what went wrong to see it. It said you needed 75000 BeyPoints to enter. It also said that the winner battles Gingka in a final match. Miyu decides not to tell Terry the last part until later...

Part 3 END

Terry quickly built up enough points to qualify, and spent the last 2 months practicing. One small problem though... Remember how Terry has issues with thinking before acting? Well...
"I want this, and this, and maybe a T125 too..."
"That'll cost 1,000 beypoints."
"'Kay!" It wasn't the smartest thing to do... Mainly because he had exactly 75,00 points when he bought the parts, and there was only one tournament left. He wasn't too happy when he finally realized that he was missing points...

At the last tournament

"Hmmm... I can't use Gil... WHAT!? I CAN'T USE GIL!?"
Miyu also looked on in disbelief. Of course, she got the 75,000 just as easily as Terry did. The sign said that no part on the bey most used by each participant may not be used. In the end Terry grabbed random parts, as he was never good at customization. What he got was a Thermal Terrakon Tornado125 Semi-Flat. Yeah... not so great. Basically, a thermal turtle with armor.
"I'm screwed..."
The tournament started an uphill battle for Terry...Literally.
"Whaaaaaaa!? I gotta battle from down here?!"
The other blader started from the top of the hill, plus he had an attack type bey, Quetzalcoatl 105F.
"1... Go Shoooot!"
"Hold back Terrakon!" Of course, it being his first time using Terrakon, it ignored him, and headed uphill. Turns out, that's Terrakon's way of battling.
"What?! Terrakon, come back!" The two beys clashed, and Quetzalcoatl was sent flying... Right back to it's owner... not spinning.
"I won? I won!! Maybe this bey has more to it than I thought!"
Miyu didn't waste time in figuring out how the battle happened the way it did.
"Look at this! The Semi-Flat tip keeps Terrakon balanced, while giving it the power to move up the hill without slowing down!"
"No way! Sweet!"
The next battle was just as easy, it was simply a normal battle. Terry advanced to the finals with ease, but guess who he saw... Shinto Kasume!
"The shrimp!? Well, I've got 75,000, I just want to eliminate as much competition as possible before entering Blade Squall. (The name of the world tournament)
"I've got nothing to say to you... I don't speak with thugs."
"Meh, I got bored and left that life behind. But, enough chatter, let's go! 3...!"
"Go Shooooot!!!"
End part 4

Part 5
"Go! Terrakon, Steel Cannon!" Terrakon obliged this time, but was easily repelled. Shinto saw this as a chance for a easy win.
"Go! Lacerta!" Lacerta quickly moved in to attack Terrakon, but it somehow "rolled" (For lack of a better word) out of the way, and the attack didn't do much damage.
"I wonder why that happened..." Miyu hated not knowing why a bey worked the way it did, and she had never seen a Semi-Flat move like that.
Pulling out her laptop, she felt grateful that she decided to scan the bey before the match. Apparently, the track was 110, not 125, the reason that the track seemed so high was because... THE TRACK WAS ATTACHED TO THE BOTTOM! The Track and bottom was PS110PBD or, Polished Shaft110 Polished Bearing Defense. The bottom had a bearing shaft, so it could freely spin. Miyu pulled out her BeyReader, and switched into Communications Mode.
"Hey, Terry?"
"Huh? Why'd you call me now? I've gotta concentrate!"
"It's about your bey, Terrakon. Where'd you get the track and bottom?"
"I found it in a box, in front of my house... Why?"
"That Track is attached to the Bottom! The Bottom is free-spinning!"
"Like Eternal Sharp?"
"No. ES sucked."
"Oh. So..."
"You can outlast him!, You won't be KO'ed no matter how hard he hits you!"
"Thanks! I'll pay you back for that later, I've got a battle to win!
Terrakon indeed was hanging in there. No attack had moved it anymore than 5 inches, but Shinto wasn't gonna give up yet.
"Lacerta! Wing Flare!" The WA130 track glowed a bright yellow, and came flying down the slope.
"Terrakon!" Though the attack seemed to hit with full force, Lacerta was spun away.
"Finish it! Terrakon, Final Cannon!" Though one wasn't really there everyone got the image of a giant armored turtle firing a giant cannon on it's back. Terrakon KO'ed Lacerta easily. Terry had won.
"Yes! I won!" Terry hopped up and down in happiness, and in a spontaneous moment of brainlessness, grabbed Miyu in a giant bear hug.
They both started laughing. "You can let me go now." Miyu acted annoyed, but she couldn't help giggling.

Part 5 END.

Part 6: The story will be told from Terry's point of view.

It was odd, finally knowing that I had a shot at battling Gingka. I spent a while letting it sink in, or I was, until Someone said "I have to find a team!" Yeah. I've got to find a team of 4 bladers, and they all must have primary and secondary beys. I easily got Miyu to join, but the next two were harder. Rex came because he was sleeping, and didn't hear the announcement. I know, lazy right? Not really. He just hadn't slept in excitement for the tournament. He used Earth Wolf 125WD, and Vulcan Rex WA130HF. He loved beys, and had really weird hair. He looked like a dinosaur! He wore a Rex T-Shirt, and jeans, nothing fancy. The next guy was kinda odd.

Ken Masumade was a kid who had, literally, just gotten his 75,000th point. He needed a team, and we needed a member. He used Ray Susanow 90F, and Rock Cancer125B. He was odd because he had started beyblade because he was bored one day, and saw Ray Susanow, and immediately knew that it was the sport for him. He wore a Shirt with Susanow's Face on it, and Jogging pants that had pockets especially for beys.

When I got Ken to join the team, Gil started to glow a whiteish gold. It floated out of my pocket, and became some bey with Bakushin, 100, and MF. Something in my head said "Wyvern." Apparently, my bey was no longer Gil, it had became Bakushin Wyvern 100MF. "No way!" Ken had seen the whole incident, and wanted a closer look. The other two were getting our team registered. Since we were an unsponsered team, we got to name it ourselves. So Rex decided to call the team the Iron Brigade. Everyone liked the sound of that, and even the clerk looked impressed. "So it's official, we are now Iron Bragade." Miyu was ecstatic with delight at the name, and that I would get another crack at Gingka. "How great for you! Hey, and don't lose sight of why we're here! Just because Gingka is going to be there doesn't mean that we can take our eyes off of the prize!" Miyu couldn't have said it better.

The 1st match turned out to be a surprise, but not for a conventional reason. " For this tournament, everyone will use both beys in one battle. This means that you will control two beys at once! Get ready! The first match is Iron Twin Flare against the Galaxy Bladers! Okay, first up, Miyu of Iron Bragade against Chuck of Galaxy Bladers! Here are your Dual Gunners! 3...2...1..."
"Go Shoot!"

All four beys hit the stadium, and it became the beyblade equivalent to a slugfest. Though the guy named Chuck had issues with controlling 2 bays, Miyu handled it in utter grace. Her Night Virgo D125S and Burn Virgo T125CS danced in the stadium, scoring hit after hit. It was utterly mesmerizing. "Uhhh..." "Dude! You asleep or somethin'? Hey Terry! Wake up!" "Huh? Whoa!" Note to self: Zoning out watching Miyu is embarrassing. But the graceful battle soon ended.
"Let's go! Double move! Virgo Distortion!" The beys seemed to bend the stadium, and Miyu's opponents were smashed while he was figuring out what to do. The beys left the stadium, and Miyu won.
It was Rex' turn. "Time to show us what you've got. Get 'im Rex." I was feeling confident until I saw who he was facing. I knew who he was as soon as I saw the mug of tea in his hand. Rex had his work cut out for him. In fact, it wouldn't be very far from the truth to say that he was doomed. "You're... Oh carp..."
"Go Shoot!" It was over before it even began.
End part 6

Part 7

"No way! You're Daidouji!" I hadn't heard that name or seen that mug of tea in years. But I have to note, he still has an obsession with cacti. If he hated them so much, why was there one on his cup?
"Yes, I am. I had nothing to do, so I decided to stop by."
"I was bored."
"Because there was nothing to do!" He was starting to get irritated.
"Why?" That one was Miyu, I had nothing to do with that one.
"Yeah, why?" Now that was Rex. This is starting to get funnier by the second!
"Grah!" (Clink, clink)
"Wow. That..... failed miserably."
Even with our brilliant ploy, Daidouji obliterated both of Rex's beys in 9 seconds flat. Yeah. That didn't work.
"You think that old trick can defeat my beys? Get real. Who's next?"
"Uh... I think I'm next." Ken stepped up, and faced another guy on Daidouji's team. But why? Why would he enter this tournament? Why now? Something told me Gingka had something to do with it.
"Go shoot!"
Ken lost his match too. I guess that Daidouji has been busy the past 2 years. These guys were tough. My matchup? Not so much.
"Gaspkay! Each team has 2 wins! You must select a blader to go twice, and the winner gets this match!"
"Get goin' Terry!" Rex shoved me onto the platform.
Daidouji stepped onto the platform and pulled out his gunner, and pointed it at the stadium.
"Guard yourself, child! Show me your power! Show me if you have what it takes to beat Gingka!"
Okay, I don't respond well to threats. I respond even worse to people questioning my power.
"Bring it, Lard Lungs!"
"Go Shoot!"
"Divine Wolf! Attack!" Daidouji used Divine Wolf CH120FB, and Basalt Anubis 105BS.
The last part of my "Go Shoot!" was drowned out by a large BOOM! That is a long story

Earlier that day...
All gunners look kind of like pistols, right? I didn't want to have a normal one, and the rules stated that you could modify yours, and it became a staple part of the tournament, making it more popular.
"Are you stupid?! There's no way that the WBBA will let you turn your Dual Gunner into a shotgun! That's...well...let Rex explain..."
"Hey! don't bring me into this one!" He had already been dragged into arguments between Ken and Miyu.
"Okay, then Ken will tell you how stupid it is!"
"Hey, I think it's cool!"
"Then you are just as stupid as Terry is."
"Hey! I'm not dumb...That was unfair..." Heh, that always works. When all else fails, accuse Miyu of being mean! She can't hold up her argument to that!
"Urk! I'm sorry! That was kinda unfair. I'm just afraid that this might get us disqualified, that's all. If you're sure it's legal, go on ahead." See? Always works. Though I'm the one being unfair. I won't do that anymore.

Okay, back to the matter at hand.
"Whoa! You're good! Wyvern! Terrakon! Hold back!" Time to think of a plan. I've got more than enough stamina to hold the fort with Terrakon, but with MF, Wyvern only has so much time, I can't play around.
"Attack! Wyvern! Go after Wolf! Terrakon, go after Anubis!"
The battle between Anubis and Terrakon was intense. Terrakon was avoiding getting pushed back, and so was Anubis. Wolf was easily holdng Wyvern off though.
"This is boring! The only challenge is that Turtle! Wolf! Alpha Fangs! Wolf slammed Wyvern into a wall, and Wyver bounced around.
"Terrakon! Go get Wolf!"
Terrakon slammed Wolf right before it KO'ed Wyvern, so I was safe for now. After that, I noticed that I was on the defensive, and wasn't attacking anymore.
"Huh? Terrakon...." It had suddenly gotten charged with energy, and exploded into a ball of light.

Part 8
"No! Terrakon!" The blast completely wiped out most of the area around Terrakon, and KO'ed Anubis, but my main concern was what happened to my bey. There was too much smoke to see anything. Then a piece of metal flew by my face.
"No! You can't be dead! This is my fault..." I was practically sobbing. Then a part of the smoke parted for seemingly no apparent reason.
"Terrakon?" Then a bluish flash flew out of the cloud.
"Is that a...?" Sure enough, Terrakon had changed parts. All I saw was that my Beyreader saw a Mercury wheel.
"Okay! Let's get this show on the road! Terrakon!"
Terrakon exploded in the same blue light, obliterating part of the stadium.
"Mercury Shotgun!"
Terrakon attacked Wolf, and it couldn't hold up it's defense. Wolf went flying, and popped into it's pieces. The Divine wheel rolled across the floor, while Daidouji looked on in total shock. Then something odd happened. He started laughing.
"Wahahahahahaha! That battle was excellent! You, my friend have a good chance of beating Gingka!"
"Erm... Mr. Daidouji? Why did Gingka become the way he is now?"
"Revenge. He seeks revenge on an old boss of mine. On the way, he found out how to harness Pegasis' dark energy, and it corrupted his mind. This power reveals itself in the form of Pegasis' ability to reverse spin mid-battle."
I was still confused. "But who is the guy that Gingka wanted revenge on?"
"His name? It was Ryuuga."
I had heard that name before, but Gingka had already defeated him, and even teamed up with him for a while. So why would he need revenge?
And so I asked.
"Ryuuga had been trying to tell Gingka that Pegasis had potential to spawn a Corrupt Spirit, and so it shouldn't be used against other corrupt spirits. But Gingka didn't listen. He battled Julius Ceasar, and Pegasis' corrupt power awakened. He defeated Ceasar, but Ryuuga defeated him, and sealed Pegasis to prevent such an event from happening again. This angered him, and when Pegasis was locked away, he unleashed Pegasis' full power, and wished to destroy Ryuuga."
No way. Now that I knew exactly how much power Gingka had, I had to stop him.
"There is one thing Gingka fears. He can only be destroyed by the R-Incarnate. In order to discourage the owner of the R-Incarnus, he killed their mother. Yes, Terry. You are the owner of the R-Incarnus. Wyvern is the only bey that stands a chance, save for L-Drago, but in order to seal Pegasis, Ryuuga gave up much of his power. Doing so obliterated the Dark Nebula, and I was forced to turn my attention to stopping Gingka."
"So that's why he killed my mother?! For power? That jerk! He's gonna pay for that!"
"Do not let your emotions guide your actions, Terry. If you do, Gingka will easily destroy you and Wyvern."

I took another look at Terrakon. It had saved my butt today, and allowed us to move on. It's track had changed to CD120, and it got a WF bottom. It's full name is now Mercury Terrakon CD120WF. Claw Defense 120 was named a defense part, but it adds weight on the outside, allowing for more Smash attack. And the claws aren't free spinning, but they provide enough recoil to boost Terrakon's attack power.
Rex and Ken were training and practicing hard. They were down on themselves for losing, and putting us in a situation where we had to win a final battle. In a few hours, they were back to their normal selves. We had another match tomorrow. We had to win. We were all more determined than ever. We would win, no matter how hard it was.
"Gingka... You better watch out. I'm comin' for ya!"
But...Exactly who's in the wrong here? Ryuuga, or Gingka? Will I have to deal with others afterwards? Still so many questions left to be answered.

Part 9, act 1
Man, did we train. Our next match went easily, but the WBBA decided to add a twist, since some teams were dominating with only a few bladers.
"From now on, each team must have a total of 5 bladers. All must now participate. As a note, your extra member does not need to have 75,000 points, but it is mandatory for them to have 60,000."

"WHAT?!" What kind of rule is that! How were we gonna find an extra blader, and assuming that we did, what if they didn't have a secondary bey!? We only had the points we earned since the start of the tournament, and that's to make sure that we stayed over the 75,000 point limit, so we could take a loss if it came to that. But Rex and Ken were at the limit, and couldn't lose anymore points. This was gonna suck.
"Erm... How are we going to avoid being booted from the tournament?" Miyu and I looked at each other.
"We'll just look. There's gotta be someone!" I was feigning optimism, but I could feel my shot at Gingka slipping away. I couldn't show these guys that. If I did, that would truly be the end. I've gotta keep my head up.

So we did what we had to do. Miyu searched on Lir Avenue,where we lived, while Ken and Rex searched their neighborhoods. My idea came after nobody had the points on Lir Avenue.
"Why not try Volcano Hill?"
"Are you brain-dead? That's a whole 2 miles away! Plus, chances are that nobody's there." Miyu had been there before, and I had accidentally gotten her hair burned at the ends. I still don't think she's forgiven me for that one.

Okay, time to explain. Volcano Hill is an old dormant Volcano, but it's tiny. Though it doesn't erupt, there are still geysers that can burn stuff. Miyu's hair got burned when I tripped, and nearly got blasted by it. She pulled me up, got burned, and proceeded to beat the carp out of me. Yeah, what an awesome way to get rescued. Y'know, she can fight.

"Well, I'm going anyway. Anything's better than nothing."
"Well, I'll go too. But only to make sure you don't kill yourself, you got that?"
"Yes, ma'am!"
"Good. Now go get Rex and Ken, so we can hit the road."

An hour later...

"Ha! In your face! There was someone here!"
"Ugh! How dare you be right!" Miyu feigned disgust, and laughed.
'Huh? Terry grew a brain? Well, you learn something new everyday" Rex joined in.
"Shut it, scrub. If I recall, I won, you lost your match."
"And that won't ever happen again! I will win every match from now on!"

There was a kid training on the hill, making his bey dodge the geysers. I puled out my BeyReader, and the first thing I noticed was his point total.
"100,000 POINTS!?"
End part 9, act 1

Part 9, act 2
"Hey! Kid!"
The boy turned around to look, and gave me a look like he had smelled something foul.
"Beat it. I have no time to train weaklings."
"Train? No way! I was gonna ask you to battle!"
"Hrmph. Not worth my time. Beat it."
This guy was getting on my nerves. I was gonna teach him a lesson!
" Okay, if you beat me, I'll leave, and never mess with you again. If I win, you join our team! Deal?"
He whipped out his Gunner, sending his jacket flying behind him. Great. Theatrics.
"I'm gonna get that last teammate if it's the last thing I do!"
"Go Shoot!"
All for beys hit the ground at the same time, and squared off with another immediately. My Wyvern went against his MF Earth PheonixC145WD, while Terrakon made a mad dash for his Grand Pisces WD145WB. The beys collided, and everyone bounced off of each other. Pisces and Terrakon went back at it.
"Pisces! Wave Tear!"
"Okay. You wanna play rough? Terrakon! Mercury Shotgun!"
The beys collided, but this time neither survived. They bounced back to their respective owners, not spinning.
"Gah! You beat my Pisces?! That's a move you'll pay dearly for!"
Wyvern and Pheonix bashed against each other endlessly.
"We'll see about that!"
Luckily, I had perfected Wyvern's new special move earlier, so I was good to go.
"I'll finish this, you little upstart! Pheonix! Earthen Volcano!"
The claws on his spintrack moved at hypersonic speed, creating a geyser using the high air pressure, and heat. The other geysers responded to the one made by Pheonix, and Wyvern got blasted upwards.
"Hah! I've got you now!"
"Don't think so! Wyvern! Tornado Sword!"
Wyvern dived down and blasted Pheonix right on top of the face. Nothing broke, but it instantly stopped spinning.
"I....I lost."
"That was fun! But a deal's a deal. What's your name?"
"Neil. Neil Mayender."
"Welcome to the team!"

In the shadows a cloaked figure broke into a smile, unnoticed.
"You've done well. I'll be meeting you in person soon...Terry." The cloaked person spoke to nobody in particular
Part 9, act 2. END

Part 10, act 1
The new rule had a twist to it. Now the battles are best-of-3, but even when you win 3, you still keep going, and you can't just quit. When you get 3 wins, you can skip the rest of the matches for 300 beypoints, as long as your team stays over 375,000 points total for everyone. Just that rule got 2 teams disqualified within a space of 10 seconds. Looks like we couldn't trust the rules, huh?

"Anyways, one of the teams that were dropped were our next match, so we get a day off! No practice necessary for today, but if you want, you can."
"So who were we supposed to be facing?"
"Some team with barely enough points to keep going. Should have been no problem."
"So? What does everyone want to do?"
"Well, there are a few mini-tournaments that can help boost your point total, and there's the beach."
"Well, I really don't care." Neil never actually cared about what we were doing, but he did show some interest in the idea of going to the beach.
"Meh." Rex was tired. That's probably the most he said until then.
"How long are you going to act dead?" And of course, Ken was immediately ragging him on it.
"The beach it is!" And as usual, Miyu ended up making a decision. Man, we were unorganized. But we kept winning, so I'm not complaining.
"So? Let's get goin'!"
The cloaked figure watched silently and listened to the conversation.
"So they are going to the beach? I guess I could drum up a challenge there... Heh. Time to see what your team is made of."

At the beach
Okay, I already knew my luck wasn't so great, but this tops everything. Everyone's having fun, playing around, shoving eachother in the water, and blading. In the middle of a game of tag in the water, a bey almost took Rex's head off. Some guy grabbed his Rock Serpent SW145B out of the air.
"What the hell was that?!"
That was our first glimpse of the cloaked person. Though they never took off their hood, we saw a hand reach out and launch a Virgo bey, but I did not know the parts.
"Whoa!" Rex launched his Earth Wolf, and it got blasted aside, and Virgo didn't even slow down.
"Carp! Wyvern!" I launched Wyvern, and it stopped Virgo for enough time for it to land on the ground. It zoomed around, and they immediately went at it.
"Well, I guess it is time to drop the charade." The cloaked person lifted their hood, and showed their face.
"My God! You..."

End Part 10, act 1

"You're just a kid!" I had no idea how to deal with a 5-year old kid. Plus, things didn't look so good. After a few seconds, Wyvern flew backwards, not spinning.
"Just as I figured. It is not powerful enough to become a Guardanis Constalis yet. Wyvern has one more transformation to get to it's final stage."

"Huh? Guarda-what? Transformations?"
"A Guardanis Constalis is a powerful spirit that was born to counter the Corrupt Spirits' growing power. My Flow Virgo G125FD is one, and so is your Wyvern."
Miyu stepped up.
"What does this have to do with us! What is going on?! We demand an answer!"
Unfortunately, her words made no difference. The weird girl was playing around with Wyvern. I guess that no matter how important you are, a kid is still a kid.
"Ohh! I see an ice cream stand! But I don't think they serve to little kids...I have my own money, so can you order for me?"
"What happened to your lackey? The one with Serpent."
"That was simply temporary mind control. One of Virgo's many powers."
"Er...Okaaay. We won't talk about that anymore."
"So you'll help me?" I have enough issues, but now it turns out that I have issues saying no to 5 year olds. She didn't seem like a bad person, so I bought her a triple scoop cone with my own money.
"So what is your name?"
"Nii. It sounds weird, but I like my name." A weird name for an unusual girl. How fitting.
"Can I travel with you? I feel that you might make a good friend."
Friend? She just obliterated me in a battle, and she wants to be friends? The world needs more people like this.
"Sure!" Not everyone agreed with this.
"She's just a kid. Why not let her come. Besides, she can't just go home."
"Okay." Miyu sighed.
Neil popped up. "Well, it could be worse. She could have been working for Gingka. Anyway, we've gotta go prepare for tomorrow's match."
"Good point. Let's go!"
Nii wondered if this kid had the power to unlock Quetzalcoatl's power that it had left behind. Something told her that maybe this kid had a shot.

Part 10, act 2-END

Part 11, act 1

"Yo!" Neil had just won our 3rd match, but Rex had fallen asleep, so Nii had to battle.
"I got it." Nii hopped up and skipped to the stadium. This stadium had a few gimmicks, one of which included a large vat of boiling water in the center.
"Nah, I got this." I was utterly bored, and wanted to battle. Plus, something told me that I shouldn't let anyone near the next person.
"Hi! I guess it is my turn?" A girl who was doing very well in the standings walked onto the platform. She was ranked as the 23rd best blader in the tournament, which spread worldwide. I was raked 58th, because I tend to sleep on the bench, and miss matches. The girl's name was Cynthia, I think.
"Erm...Hi. Aren't you Cynthia Soulhoulme? You're ranked 23rd in the world."
"I am? I never noticed..." I didn't hear any sarcasm, so I guess she really didn't. The Judge spoke.
"This time, you will only be able to use one bey. Pick wisely." I instinctively pulled out Wyvern, which felt oddly hot in my hand.
"Oh? Only one? I guess that means my Sagittario won't get to play. I don't think I will be able to use my weaker bey against you."
Weaker?! I saw her dominate 6 beys in a battle royal match with that Sagittario!
"I'll just use Cassion." Her demeanor slightly changed, along with her eyes.
"I'd advise you to quit. I wouldn't want you bey destroyed when I win." Wow. She was so nice a few seconds ago, and now I'm being threatened?!
"Ha! I don't lose!"
"Sigh...Okay, don't say I did not warn you. Prepare yourself, for the Queen of Desolation, Grand Cassion MC125DF!"

"Go Shoot!"
Both bey slammed each other in midair, and Wyvern was slammed into a crater. That one hit drained off about half of it's spin. Cassion landed deftly on a protruding rock.
"Is your bey dead yet? If not, I can fix that." Cynthia whipped out a flute. "Cassion! Grand Tornado Dance!"
Wyvern got picked up off of the ground, and was flung into the air by a small typhoon. Cassion then rode that typhoon into the air.
"Wyvern! Let's go! Tornado-"
Cassion blasted Wyvern before it could start it's special move. Wyvern was getting wasted, and Cynthia was becoming more bold in her attacks.
"Cassion! I am bored, finish this! Final Spin! Desolation Whip!"
Wyvern would have been KO'ed if it had weighed any less, but I was low on stamina. But Wyvern did fall into the vat of water.
"I win. I tire of battling weaklings. I was hoping you would be different...But if I beat you, and still I lost to Gingka, You stand no chance. So I will spare your bey the pain of being controlled by a weakling. I have perfected a dark Move, unlike any seen before. And you will know fear. I am sorry, but I will be the owner of Wyvern after this one. So die. Cassion! Dark Move! Desolation Scepter Control!"
A giant black wave followed Wyvern into the water.
"No!" An unknown voice rang out. A bey flew past my ear, one with the distinct shape of a Ray wheel. It was hit, and a Susanow spirit floated out of the bey.
"Ken!" Rex yelled from the stands. "No!"
Susanow's spirit was enveloped in darkness, and the bey floated into Cynthia's hand.
"This bey is my slave now, Susanow belongs to me. And now for it's aftereffects."
"Grah!" Ken was being electrocuted.
"What! What is this!?"
"I told you. He will die, and his soul will be absorbed by Cassion. His body will become my undying servant."
Ken dropped onto the floor, with a black mist sifting out of his mouth and ears.
"Ken! No!" The mist was absorbed by Cassion, and the body floated over to Cynthia's platform.
"This is your punishment. You are weak. Pity that your friend took your punishment for you. Now bow before me, Terry, or share his fate!"
"You...You killed Ken! WYVERN! DESTROY HER!"
The water bubbled, and a golden light flashed. A feathered version of Wyvern's spirit flew out. And it spoke.
"I am Quetzalcoatl's reincarnation. I have been stored in Wyvern to protect you, but I have failed. Bit now, I will not. We must avenge our friend...partner. I will fulfill my promise to your mother." It flew upwards, and nearly obliterated Cassion. It bounced out of the stadium, while the judge ran away. But that did not matter. Ken was dead, Susanow was her slave, and Ken's body was too. We won the battle, but at such a cost, we had really lost.
"Why! Why did this happen. I didn't mean for anyone to die!" I sobbed on the floor, with my head on the ground.
"But he did. We must now find out what she is planning. Hold your head up. We are in much more trouble than we thought." Miyu said, seeming kind of spacey. She floated in the air, and a bright light erupted from her. And when she hit the floor, my mother was standing right next to her.
Cynthia had her new slave carry her away, laughing.
"You're next, Gingka! I will have your soul!"
Part 11, act 1 END.

Part 11, act 2

"This is the place. You may set me down now." Cynthia was let down, and she walked into the warehouse in front of her.
"I figured you'd come. You did quite a number on Terry's little friend, Ken. Is that him over there on one knee?"
Gingka dropped down on a steel bar.
"Why yes. Yes that is. How nice of you to notice. But why don't we quit the pleasantries and get down to buisiness. I, Cynthia Soulhoulme, have come to claim your soul! Now, bow before your queen, of face desolation!"
"Ha! Nice speech, girl, but I don't bow."
"Then prepare yourself for the fight of your life! I will win. I will take your bey. That is certain. Arm yourself, and face fear! I. Am. DESOLATION!!" With that, she launched Cassion with terrifying speed. It instantly stopped even Pegasis' raw power. Pegasis was sent reeling, and Cassion chased it.
"What?! I am being pushed!"
"Now, will you surrender?"
"Nah. I don't wanna."
"Childish. Prepare to lose your life! Cassion, Special Move! Royal Whip!"
"Special Move! Pegasis Thunder Whip!"
"Ha! You can't touch me! Attack, my shields! Protect your Queen!"
Four bladers rose, and launched their beys. In all, there was Storm Capricorne M145Q, Rock Leone 145WB, Earth Aquila 145WD, and Dark Cancer CH120SF. They formed a wall, and deflected Pegasis. They then flew back to their owners, who revealed their faces.
"Kyouya! Tsubasa! Even Tobio and Tetsuya?!"
"So those are their names. They don't remember, and they never bothered to tell me. Besides, they don't know who you are, they only know to serve me! This is it! Prepare to die! Cassion!"
"Pegasis! Attack Cassion!" Pegasis dashed towards Cassion, sending the other beys flying.
"Pegasis! Dark Move! L-Deflection!" Pegasis began rotating to the left, but Cynthia had forseen this.
"Too late. Now die. Dark Move! Desolation Scepter Control!"
Because Pegasis had to slow down to begin rotating the other way, it could not dodge the attack. The black aura engulfed Pegasis, and it's spirit was swallowed by Cassion. Cassion glowed, it's power increasing ten-fold.
"No! I-I can't die yet! I won't let you kill me! I gotta get out of here!" Gingka started to run, and Cynthia pointed a finger. Gingka was blasted with electricity, and dropped like a ton of bricks. His soul was absorbed, not by Cassion, but by Cynthia herself. Pegasis floated into Cynthia's hand , and she looked at the corpse in front of her.
"Rise, my slave."
" liege."
"Now, who is you only master?"
"Naturally, the all-powerful Cynthia Soulhoulme, Mistress."
"Good." She walked over and rubbed his hair.
"Now, renounce all allegiance to anyone but me!"
"I swear my loyalty, my liege.
"Good. Now, you will use this Dark Raven 100B, as Pegasis is now mine. Do you have a problem with that?"
"No, Mistress."
"Now I have heard that Nii has joined Terry's group. You will destroy her, right?"
"I will go with the speed of the winds, mistress."
Gingka left with that.
"Ha. Haha. HAHAHAHA! I've won! Nobody can defeat me now! But to make sure, I will destroy Terry's spirit completely! I will take that Miyu girl as my next slave! Prepare yourself, Terry, I come for your friend's soul, and she will bow to me.

Part 11, act 2-END

Part 12, act 1/3

I was thinking of how I now had two enemies at the same time when the door of our hideout was nearly blown out. Of all people, Cynthia staggers in, seriously hurt, and falls on the ground.
"Whoa!" Naturally, I jump up and run over, while Rex stays back with a cold look on his face. He took the death of Ken the hardest out of us all. Even though they ragged on eachother often, and teased eachother incessantly, they were the best of friends.
"What the hell happened?!" Cynthia's answer rasped from the ground.
"Gingka. He attacked me..." She screamed and pointed at the door babbling like a psycho. Apparently she got blasted pretty hard, since she scooted away from the figure at the door faster than I can run.
"Gingka!" He walked through the door, smirking with a odd look in his eyes.
"I'll leave her to you. I guess you want revenge for your friend, no? Well, I take my leave."
Cynthia got up. "Thank you! You....You saved me after all I did to you? I..." She started to cry.
The last thing I needed was some random girl crying on me, especially one that had killed one of my friends!
"Hey, I didn't do it for you. He just ran." She looked up, and got closer.
"Look, I'm sorry. I want to start over. My loss...It taught me a lot. I need friends. So, can I stay with you?"
"Erm...Sorry, but I'm still not over Ken's dea-Gack!"
She freakin' attached her self to my face! I couldn't breathe for cryin' out loud!
"What the hell!?" Miyu bull-rushed her from her seat on a crate. I, on the other hand, fell over, dazed from what had just happened. Miyu started shrieking.
"What right do you have, killing our friend, getting your butt whupped, then coming in here, laying your lips on Terry! I'll kick your skinny butt!"
"I..." Cynthia sniffled, and sobbed a bit. "I'm sorry...But I have to ask Terry a question..." She cried some more.
"Well, okay. But if you try to smack one on Terry, that's your butt!"
"Okay...sniff... Well, I want to defeat Gingka, but I can't do it alone. I was wondering... Can you help? Please? He...sniff He..." She started bawling...again. Then Nii spoke up.
"What a baby. We'll think on it, okay?"
"Okay...I'll leave, and ask when I can pull myself together, alright? Bye..."
She left, and as soon as she was out of earshot, Cynthia wiped away the fake tears.
"Well, I started on them. Gingka!"
"Yes, mistress?"
"You need to make it seem like I was jumped tomorrow. Got it?"
"Got it."
"This just might work. Flattery is the most effective trap, you know." But some unwelcome image popped up in Cynthia's head. She forced it back down, but it was insistent. Annoyingly enough, she wasn't sure if she even liked the thought or not. Much to Cynthia's dismay, she had no idea about her thoughts on the image, except that it was counter-productive.
Then a voice rang out, snapping her out of her thoughts.
"Ha! I found you, Cynthia!"
"WYRM?! What the heck?!"
Part 12, act 1 END

Part 12, act 2/3 (BONUS ACT FOR 1/19/11!)
"Wh-What are you doing here?!" Cynthia couldn't believe her eyes. "Why won't you leave me alone?!" She got up and ran as fast as she could go in a futile attempt to escape Wyrm.
"Awww, you don't wanna play, cousin? I feel bad now."
"NO! STAY AWAY! Y-You did this! You made me do all of this! It's your fault, not mine!" She really started crying now. "STAY AWAY!" She launched Cassion at Wyrm's face.
"Hrmph. You have crossed the line, arming yourself against me. Feel fear!" He threw his bey, a Burst Wyrm GsD125LMJ. The wings on the track had springs that immediately bounced Cassion away.
"Is this it? You do realize the consequences if you lose, right?"
"YOU WON'T TAKE CASSION FROM ME! IT'S MINE! G-Go get your own!" She started sobbing harder, just as I ran outside of the hideout to see what was going on. She started to spill out everything she had to say.
"Cassion is my partner, I've had her since I was 3, you know that! I grew with it, cleaned it every day, played, and grew strong with it. Even when I did some questionable things, it didn't turn it's back on me. This was always my only friend. You made sure of that. All of this, I did it to make you proud. Maybe then, you'd stop treating me as if I were dirt. Maybe then you'd be my friend. But now I see. I cannot have any friends, because you branded me as a freak. You made my parents turn on me! So now, I just wanted you to know that I wasn't useless, I wanted you to see that every single time that you said "Go away" or "You annoy me, you pest." that it hurt. And it did. But now? Now you want to take that away? Along with the only thing I can take pride in? Do you think that I enjoyed killing that boy? No. I didn't. I saw myself in that boy. Myself if I had a friend or two. But I won't let you take my friend. So I won't fight you. Do your worst to me, but you can't have Cassion!" The bey came back to Cynthia's hand, and she spread her arms wide.
"Come at me, 'cousin'! Show me Wyrm's power!" The next thing I know, she's flying backwards, and hits her head on the hideout door! Ouch. She got back up, dazed, but determined to save her friends.
"I cannot let you keep that...Thing. I must destroy it's spirit, then the bey itself." By then, I was mad.
"Hey! You jerk! She's your cousin, right? Quit pickin' on her!"
"Terry! Stand down, I'll deal with you later!" Cynthia walked over. "I sincerely thank you, but I cannot let an enemy help me. I will stand on my own two feet. You taught me that, at least...Urf!" She was sent flying by another shockwave from Burst Wyrm.
"Weakling." Miyu of all people, actually looked concerned! She clung on to me, and asked me to help.
"What do you mean no? Are you gonna let this happen?"
"She doesn't want help. She wants to stand on her own. Let her try."
Another shriek rang out, as Cynthia stood back up, looking determined to win. This was gonna be a long day.

Part 12, act 2/3, END

Part 12, act 3/3

"This kid is in my way!" I find myself flying through the air, and I smacked a wall. He kicked Cassion out of the way, and smirked. Cynthia didn't exactly respond to well to that.

"I'm sick of you! I won't run away anymore! I won't let you push me around like you did those kids at school. Wyrm, you're my cousin, and I love you, but this time...This time you went too far!" She picked up Cassion.
"Eat it, cousin!" Cassion flew, and the battle was on! Burst Wyrm easily pushed Cassion around, and Wyrm did whatever he wanted to.
"Is this it? You are worthless."
"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Cynthia was beyond rage. But now she was in danger of losing her bey. So I stepped in with the new parts that appeared when I battled her the last time. But first, and odd looking bey flew past, easily knocking Burst Wyrm away. All I really saw was a Hyper Aquario, but then it went back to it's owner...Linda Kimura!
"Well, well, look who showed up." My mother walked out. "Some idiot woke me up from my sleep!"
Uh-oh. If my mother was sleeping, we all knew that we shouldn't move her. She, I mean is, way more evil tired than she is bubbly when she is fully awake. "Gack! Erm...Mom, I've got this, go back to sleep! Please?" And don't kill me! I thought as she left back into the hideout, waving.
"Now, Thunder Quetzalcoatl! Unleash your power!" Wyvern glowed, and the parts looked exactly like a Quetzalcoatl wheel, just in HWS format. "Let's do this! Lightning Breaker!" Wyvern charged with electricity, and slammed into Burst Wyrm. The battle raged on for about 30 minutes, and nobody really got an edge. Wyrm got careless, and I got in a hit. It actually was more powerful than I thought, since Wyrm was zapped by the excess power.
"Yo, Worm! What's your real name?! I'm guessing that your parents didn't name you after something that I squash every April!"
"Shut it, runt. I will destroy all that defend that fiend. Cynthia must DIE!"
"Dude, get over yourself. That's your cousin, and if you want to kill her, that makes you a major turd."
"Burst Wyrm! Dark Move, Soul Claw Jackhammer!"
Cynthia pulled herself off of the ground, and looked. One of Burst Wyrm's more powerful shot's missed...and hit Cynthia. She didn't fly like she did before, she dropped, and her eyes instantly glazed over. I grabbed Wyvern and ran to see if she was okay. Erm...The next part was...odd to say the least.
She floated, and then she, um, split into two people. One dropped, and landed on her feet, and the other on her butt. The one that landed on her feet also had a black version of Cassion, who had also split, black hair, and a mean demeanor. The one who wasn't that lucky had a white Cassion, white hair, and was smiling, humming, and bobbing her head side to side like a happy little kid. The happy one stood up, and looked at her clone. She then hugged her. This was definitely not the Cynthia we know. The other one scowled. Now that's more familiar.
The white one bounced over and hugged me too!
"Hi, Terry! Hi! Um...I know that I did some mean stuff, but can we be friends? I don't have any. Well, besides Cassion, but You know all of this, and why am I talking, I can't shut up, I am so sorry, I have an issue with being quiet, and it's probably annoying, and I hope it's not because that would like, suck, and I don't want anything to suck. Haha I still have no idea what I'm saying, could you please shut me up? I think I'm nervous or something but I don't know why? Isn't that weird? I mean I should-"
"SHUT UP! God, I can't believe I was a part of you! Makes me sick. Well, I'm leaving. Oh, and Wyrm? I'll kill you later." She walked off.
"Bye-bye!" The nice one called after her...Evil twin? I don't know what to call her!
"So Terry, Whaddya say? Can we be friends?"
"Erm...I guess? Uh. Okay."
"Yay! I promise I'll be a good friend! I'm sure we'll have fun!" She went on and on, but I'm pretty sure I heard "making babies" in her rant, so I really stopped listening. Wyrm got wierded out and left, presumably to chase "Evil Cynthia." Then I got jumped by an abnormally happy girl who we all know, and a lot of us (Not including me, I guess.) don't trust.
"Yay! You're it!" She picked up Nii and ran. Nii laughed, and was having a ball. I guess she found a new best friend. I figure Ken is somewhere laughing too. I looked at the sky.
"If you're up there, we haven't forgotten ya, buddy. We're gonna win, and have fun doing it, all in your memory, so hang tight. We're not done yet! Thanks for the memories, Ken..." I teared up...and then started to cry a bit, as did everyone else. White-haired Cynthia and the others overheard, walked over, saw my tears, and cried too. My mom got pissed at all of us later for waking her up again. Heh, I guess we're all one giant family now, aren't we?
I stopped crying, looking at my "family". I tapped Nii. "You're it!"
People could hear the laughs for miles. Sometimes, a kid's gotta be a kid.

Part 12, act 3/3 END

Part 13, act 1/4 (This act is a filler. And I mean a true filler, hence the 4 acts, instead of 2 or 3.)

Some blader were looking at the "party" we were having in front of the hideout. Even my mother joined in! Except we all kept losing to everything. And how the hell did she find drinks?! (Not necessarily all for us...)
"Hey! Get back here!" At this point we played a form of Tag that involved our beys. If you got caught, you had to battle. If you won, you could keep running. if you lost, you were It. Naturally, I was caught napping. Literally.
I chased Nii and Cynthia around a tree, and ran into a branch.
"Ow..." Miyu walked over laughing at my misfortune.
"Are you okay?" (Still laughing...)
"I'm dead. Let me rest in peace. Oh yeah, I've got something to say before I die."
"What is it?" (Still laughing. Okay, I hit a branch. Can we forget that now?)
"You're it!" I launched Wyvern and instantly KO'ed Virgo. That's when things started to go wrong.
"Hey! Are you Terry Kimura, owner of Wyvern?"
"Who's askin'?! If you work for Wyrm, buzz off!"
"Unfortunately, I do not. But I do wish to battle you." Cynthia walked over (Erm...The good one, If I have to say it.)
"Oh? Is that a new friend?" Then my mother came to give me grief.
'Why are you over here with two girls? You got a few girlfriends around here that I don't know about?"
"Leave me be. And no. And...what? Are you drunk?"
"As a board."
"Okay, that explains the nonsense. I'll get rid of this guy, you...Go sleep, and take a shower. A cold one."
"Nooooo! Not the showers! Have mercy!" My mother was stone drunk! In case you didn't know, cold showers help with sobering up, but it also means Insta-Hangover. At least that's what she said.
"I'll be back...Erm...Sorry 'bout my mom."
"You have an odd family. And...Are they your...?"
"No. Nobody here is related in any way." So then I dragged my mother (Who was literally kicking and screaming) into the tub, and made her take a shower. Sad, ain't it? Note to self: Confiscate all liquor from the hideout. In fact... I'll do that once this guy's done getting his butt whupped.
"What's your name?"
"Christian Hasame. Nice to meet you." Yay! Finally, a person to battle who isn't a complete carp.
"Okay, let's get this show on the road! We'll battle, best 2 out of 3!"
"Sure! But I must warn you, I don't lose. My Cyber Libra is undefeated!" I was unimpressed.
"Then this will be a new and humbling experience for you. 3...2...1..."
"Go Shoot!"
Cyber Libra put up a fight against Mercury Terrakon. I figured that I would easily win, so I hung back. Not a good idea.
"Special move! Diving Cyber Spiral!" Libra used a tree to fling itself into the air, and started to vibrate. The vibrations worked like Neil's Pheonix did, creating heat. The heat became 3 streams of greenish fire, and the rotation made them spin, moving towards the ground.
"What the-Terrakon! Mercury Shotgun!" I didn't move fast enough, and Terrakon got KO'ed.
Cyber Libra landed in Christan's open palm. "You're not gonna beat me like that, y'know."
"Aw, shut it. I got this."
"I want to let Aquila get some air. Prepare to face Thermal Aquila 145 Diamond Wide Defense!"
"If I hear the word 'prepare' one more time, someone's gonna get punched! Let's do this!"
"Go Shoot!" The battle ended literally just as it began. Wyvern hit Eagle in midair, and eagle was sent back to it's owner. Christian didn't take that so well.
"Grrr...You're good!"
"As are you! This is the last battle, so don't hold back!"
"Go Shoot!" From the beginning it was obvious that this wouldn't be a walk in the park.
"Wyvern! Release Restraint!" Lightning struck Wyvern, and it flew out of the cloud with the Thunder wheel.
"Lightning Breaker! We won't lose!"
"Libra! Don't hold back! Diving Cyber Spiral!" Libra flew upwards again, and started it's special move. Wyvern headed straight for the flames.
"The most powerful blader will win this one! I have no intention of losing!"
"Whether you intend to or not, this is it! Wyvern!" The lightning pushed back the fire, then cut through it. Wyvern was a blue blur when it hit Libra.
"What?! No!" Libra slammed into a tree smoking, while Christian could only watch in disbelief.
"That's it. I win." Wyvern landed next to me, and I grabbed it.
"Heh. That was fun, but next time I won't lose. I'll meet you later."
"Hrm...Did I just make a new rival? Huh....Now to deal with the booze." Nii and Rex helped me dump all of the liquor, while Cynthia, Neil, and Miyu looked for more to get rid of.
"Well, we never finished our game, so..." Cynthia whacked Rex in the head.
"You're it!" And for once, Neil jumped in.
"Run!" Nii jumped over Neil's head, Cynthia, Miyu, and I headed after them. This was gonna be fun. Cynthia grabbed my arm and ran another way. Miyu followed huffily, and looking a little pissed off.
"Hey! Where do you think you're going?!" We all laughed, even Miyu. Neil got caught first, but he looked preoccupied. Like he was going to make a big decision soon. Nobody payed attention, though. We were having fun for once.
Part 13, act 1/4: END

Part 13, act 2/4 (Done with fillers, but this one's gonna be kinda short)

The tournament was back on. But now, Neil decided that he wanted to go his own way, so Nii permanently took his place. Now that it was impossible to not battle Wyrm and Cynthia eventually, we could not dwell on the idea that our team was missing a member. Neil was a good friend, and it was sad to see him go. But we had important things to do.
"Okay guys, we've got a pretty good team to battle. Losing is not an option!" My mother, bubbly as ever, spoke up.
"You guys get to have the most fun! No fair! I wanna battle to!"
"Er, Mom? You do realize that you are entered, right? One adult is allowed per team." Now that that was cleared up, we could see who we were facing. let's just say that this team was...odd, to say the least.
"Please don't tell me that's..." Rex's jaw dropped. "Is that...Blader DJ?" And sure enough, it was.
"Okay! Let's get this party started!" Blader DJ had whipped out his mic, and was yelling.
"I will be going first. But I must warn you. My attacks are like a galaxy exploding on your head! I am like a fierce volcano! I am Blader DJ!" He got cheers from the whole crowd. "I'll go." Nii stepped up. Well, that battle was over.
"Let's go! 3...2..."
"1...Go Shoot!"

Sure enough, Flow Virgo started in the center. Blader DJ's bey, Rock Capricorne ED145PD, sped towards Virgo. As soon as it got close, Nii started her special move.
"Virgo! Gravity Explosion!" Virgo's track shifted the air, and the friction on the ground caused an explosion. Capricorne was sent flying out of the arena, and landed in a tree outside.
"OH SHIZZNIT!" One question. What's a "shizznit"?! The judge started on the next battle when she stopped laughing at Blader DJ's misfortune. Nii walked by with a smug grin on her face.
"And that's how you battle, students. Now you better not lose!" Rex won, and my mother did too. Next up was Cynthia, who easily won. Miyu struggled a bit, but Cynthia cheered her on, so the rest of us joined in. She and Cynthia had become the best of friends, and did everything together, so it was hard to lose with her cheering Miyu on. Miyu finished strong, and I didn't have to battle at all. Easy win, off of the #67 ranked team! We jumped up a few spots to #35, so we were set. I could have sworn that I heard Ken's voice say "Good job, guys." We knew he was gone. When the Cynthias split, Ken, Gingka, and Tobio's bodies disintegrated. Maybe he was looking down on us.

Part 13, act 2/4: END.

Please leave comments and suggestions! If I have grammar mistakes, TELL ME!

EDIT: The part about Gil being raised in one spot is true. I believe Kai-V said that, and posted a picture in Ray Gil's discussion thread. And yes, I made a move named after PTW...
And the winner for new enemy is...The Fire Wyrm's Cynthia Soulhoulme! She will be the next enemy for Terry and his crew, and will throw down with Gingka for the most powerful evil person.
Sounds alright. Keep going with it.
Thanks, I definitely will! I would've added more then, but my hand fell asleep.

Part 2 is up! Just added a poll to see if anyone likes the storyline.
Part 3 is up.
awesome story can you please describe more of the location and description of the battle
'Kay! I'll try to see if I can fit it in there without changing much. I thank you for reading it!

Fixed (I think)
overall it's an awesome story, but as i said more descriptions please make the story more alive (i mean no offense)
Sorry if I wasn't clear. I looked through it, and yeah, I wasn't very descriptive, that's about to change. (Thus the "I think" after Fixed. Need more feedback from more than two people...
don't let little readers stop you from writing...= ) i love making up stories even though nobody read it
I'm still gonna write it, even if nobody read it! It's just too fun to give up on now!
I like it but you are beginning to rush towards the end.
Here's tips like you asked. Don't copy the story line of the anime too much. And skipping two whole months is kinda... odd.
He got the points in about 3 weeks, I may need to elaborate on that... My bad. I may spend the next two parts on the battle with Shinto. Thanks for the tips! please keep reading. Part 5 should be up by Thursday.
Sorry, had an essay to do. Part 5 is up!
Part 6 is up! I still have to think of new characters. Sorry for the long wait. I also changed the name. I wasn't feeling it anymore. It just didn't sound as good.
Part 7 is up! This one is getting better! If anyone wants to create and have me add a character, say so! I may need 7 or 8.
Not bad at all, I don't have the time to read all of it now, but up to Chapter 5 is amazing. Not sure if it matters though but a slight mistake in Part 2. Too lazy to quote it:

"Look at this, Gil isn't symmetrical, unliike most other Clear Wheels."

Double I Smug

The great thing about this story, is your choice of words. You don't use words that you don't understand, and don't make sense, unlike some other writers here...

EDIT: I'm sorta a perfectionist aswell ^^
Damn. I was hoping for no mistakes. I hate typos. I'm kind of a perfectionist.
Part 8 is up. The story needs characters. You can post a character you want me to add.
Wow, its coming along really nicely Megablader9, good job ^^

Try not to follow the Manga/Anime too much, I was a little disappointed when I saw Ginga and Ryuuga's name up there :"(
(Oct. 29, 2010  10:47 PM)Megablader9 Wrote: [ -> ]Then a part of the smoke dassapitated for seemingly no apparent reason.

Don't you mean decapitated?

Or disapparated. I don't think thats a word though /:

EDIT: Removing the head from the body doesn't really make sense T_T

Two mistakes in Part 8 :L

Part 8
"No! Terrakon!" The blast completely wiped out most of the area around Terrakon, and KO'ed Anubis, but my main concern was what happened ot my bey.

Not sure if it matters. To, tehe...

Wow, this is really discouriging. I'm getting worried. Has your thinking ability become corrupt, LOL.

Then a peice of metal flew by my face.
"No! You can't be dead! This is my fault..."

I before E, except after C Pinching_eyes_2

Everything here refers to Part 8 Tired

Actually, this is not too bad a study habit, proof-reading your work and cleaning up after you isn't so bad Smith
It was kinda meant to kill off the clear-cut Good-Guy/Bad-Guy dynamic.
I was probably tired, and messed up a lot of words.
At least Gingka isn't some revered goody-goody two shoes. I meant to blur the lines between good and evil.

All fixed. I still need character suggestions.
It's good. I like it. Keep up the good work.
Thanks to all! I still need people to make characters for me to add to the story.
OK, then can I have 1???

Name: Niel Meyander
Bey: MF (Phoenix Sticker) Earth Phoenix C145 WD
Move: Earthen Eruption (Volcanoe created in stadium-erups and lava hurts enemy)
Chaarctoristics/appearence: Black hair, dark brown eyes, black t shirt, muddy dark jeans; Calm and composed, but can get angry at times
Side: Good Guy por favor!!!
Okay! You should see him within two parts. Just so you know, I'm kinda blurring the line between good and evil. Like Daidouji working against Gingka because it will get him what he wants, as with Ryuuga. This will also apply to another character in 2 parts. I'm just not telling who... Try to guess! thanks for excepting my character!
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