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Full Version: BB-99 Hell Kerbecs BD145DS
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Hell Kerbex on Christmas day. Ohh the irony.
Indeed, very excited for this. However, I hope that Hell doesn't follow the wastefulness of the rest of the balance labeled wheels...
(Oct. 26, 2010  11:02 AM)s200401150 Wrote: [ -> ]yay a perfect present

Jaems this ^ is what I was talking about
They'll probably do what they did to burning kerberous and mess it up, they'll probably call Hades cerberous...
(Oct. 26, 2010  2:32 PM)Nwolf Wrote: [ -> ]They'll probably do what they did to burning kerberous and mess it up, they'll probably call Hades cerberous...

comments like these are why we can't have nice things (i.e. thread getting locked). stop speculating.
Well they have already done it to ones like phoenix-fireblaze it doesn't make sense...
I'll lol if they shock us and keep Hell.

Also, that translucent face bolt is awesome. Can't believe I didn't notice it before.
i think the names corresponds with Hades hell Hades underworld.
Its track reminds me so much of Plastic Kerbs Bottom.
Honestly, like a revamped version.
(Oct. 27, 2010  12:16 AM)Zackyblack12 Wrote: [ -> ]i think the names corresponds with Hades hell Hades underworld.

Oh really?
(Oct. 27, 2010  12:21 AM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]Its track reminds me so much of Plastic Kerbs Bottom.
Honestly, like a revamped version.

Do you know what the track looks like?
2 months away? Better start saving, but that price is kinda cheap for something that looks that awesome!
From slightly under (posted by Kai-V)
Those arrows, look at them.
2 months away from japan, that is.
(Oct. 27, 2010  12:21 AM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]Its track reminds me so much of Plastic Kerbs Bottom.
Honestly, like a revamped version.

Do you know what the track looks like?

There is a picture of it on page 4 i believe. Its in Daimonds quote.
I just posted it before you. Speechless
No, Kai-V posted the picture involving what the bottom of the track looks like.
Anyway, what matters is that obviously, if there are pictures, they were posted in this topic, so they can be found again.

You two posted at the same time, by the way.
Obliterated by V. Haha.
Anyway, no recovery for that one.
Nice bey! I can't wait to get it!
(Oct. 27, 2010  12:51 AM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]Seriously.
I just posted it before you. Speechless
No, Kai-V posted the picture involving what the bottom of the track looks like.

Yeah i tried to quote just one of his 2 quotes but failed. And yeah it was the same time as she said. But doesnt that track look lie R145. or ED145
No, it does not really look like either Tracks ...
I still hold that it reminds me too much of Burning's Bottom.
Haha burning bottoms. Speechless
The track can be combined with the metal wheel, the metal wheel is also graved with symbols.
With a new bottom. (Seems like FB, lol)
What an epic looking track and metal wheel
Utterly confused by what this means though:

"The track can be combined with the metal wheel"

Could someone explain?

Thanks for the pictures RエスコルピオT125JB
Okay, I'm gettin' this one!
(Oct. 30, 2010  7:29 AM)momiji manju Wrote: [ -> ]Utterly confused by what this means though:

"The track can be combined with the metal wheel"

Could someone explain?

Thanks for the pictures RエスコルピオT125JB

I'm thinking that the track is made especially for Hell, such as LDrago is made for Lightning.

EDIT: I can see points on the track that fit into some of the gaps of Hell that probably wouldn't work with other Metal Wheels.

EDIT 2: How rude of me. Thank you RエスコルピオT125JB!
Oh I see, thanks Oki.
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