World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: why cant trypio be in a competition?
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why cant trypio be used in a compotision? i just found a couple of beys in my basement one was trypio and one was metal driger i really like my trypio but why cant it be in a competition?
I'm not sure if you're talking about plastic competitions, but so far no plastic beyblades have been allowed to be used in competition for 1-2 years
Trypio is a legal Beyblade in the WBO, but since it is a plastic Beyblade like Metal Driger, it can only be used in tournaments that use the Plastic or Open Format. For the past couple of years, WBO tournaments have only used the Standard Format, a format where only Metal Fight Beyblade or Beyblade: Metal Fusion are allowed to be used.