World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: [Newcastle, UK] Beyblade Northern Brawl 09/10/10 MAJOR UPDATE
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Welcome one and all to the first official beyblade event to be held in the north, Located in the heart of Newcastles Leasez park.

Date: Saturday 9th October 2010 ( 9/10/10)
Time: 12pm UPDATED
(Oct. 08, 2010  9:47 PM)Newt Wrote: [ -> ]MAJOR UPDATE

Early this morning my grandma suffered a stroke. Due to this Im moving the tournament forward 1 hour to it now starts at 12PM it will not go past 2PM. This is so I can visit my grandma tomorrow afternoon with Spoonigan.

Ive been in 2 minds on deciding to pospone this but if we start an hour earlier it will allow enough time for the tourney before the visiting hours open.

Venue: Leazes Park (Band Stand Area) Newcastle (NE, UK).
Direction from St James Park
Directions from St Jamses Park metro station.

If anyone is travelling from out of the area I would reccomend using the tye and wear metro service to get to st james park metro station.

We will be under the band stand if it decides to drizzle. If anyone has an umbrella I would sujest bringing it just incase Smile

Format: Block round robin MFB only. (HMS plastics will be allowed in free

Entry Fee:
Without Passport £3
Blader Passport holder Free

Banned parts:
Standard WBO rules apply, no worn parts, no Libra wheel, your parts will be checked if they're behaving in an unconventional way.

Judges: Newt, Black_Rose
Oh nice one, I'm looking forward to this. (:

And I should have my own blade by then, unlike last time. Tongue_out
Count me in, I'll be bringing a mate too [I'll get him to post on here]
Im not sure if i can come
I'll be going, I'm unicornos friend he was on about- see you there (Y)
Gonna be sweeeeeeet!
i wish i could make it, do you no if there is going to be any events nearer london ???
do u know how long it takes to get there from birmingham ???????????? on train and the price ?????/
birmingham is quite a way away from newcastle so my guess quite a few hours
(Sep. 22, 2010  7:31 PM)maxsampson123 Wrote: [ -> ]do u know how long it takes to get there from birmingham ???????????? on train and the price ?????/

I've done Birmingham before on the train it takes about three and a half hours. As for prices I couldnt tell you but im sure if you check out or you could probably find out.
sweet ill be there also whats a libra wheel
(Sep. 23, 2010  8:08 AM)storm_hydra08 Wrote: [ -> ]sweet ill be there also whats a libra wheel

It's a part from a beyblade called Libra but more specificly the "fusion wheel" is the part that cannot be used in wbo tournaments.
(Sep. 23, 2010  1:40 PM)Black_Rose Wrote: [ -> ]It's a part from a beyblade called Libra but more specificly the "fusion wheel" is the part that cannot be used in wbo tournaments.
This is wrong. Libra is not a "Fusion Wheel" or Metal Wheel. It is simply a Wheel. People can just read the actual rulebooks and the Metal Fight Beyblade article to know what exactly is banned.
aw dang i wish this was on the 9th or 10th i have school on the 8th!
oops soz i got date wrong and in this case i should be able to make it but i have one question my rock wb performance tip snaped in half i super glued it back toogether but will i be able to use it and where can i get a blader license?
(Sep. 23, 2010  10:30 PM)klonoalunar Wrote: [ -> ]aw dang i wish this was on the 9th or 10th i have school on the 8th!
oops soz i got date wrong and in this case i should be able to make it but i have one question my rock wb performance tip snaped in half i super glued it back toogether but will i be able to use it and where can i get a blader license?

It's on the 9th...
Edit: Nevermind, as for the performance tip, no you won't be able to as it would count as a modified part which are banned- you can buy a blader passport at the event or from the WBO itself, it's electronic and not a real passport before you ask : P
tyvm and ok about the tip ill ask my friend if i can borrow his for the weekend and he can use mine but i have another question can i use the takara metal fight face bolt?
(Sep. 21, 2010  5:21 PM)Spoonigan Wrote: [ -> ]Oh nice one, I'm looking forward to this. (:

And I should have my own blade by then, unlike last time. Tongue_out

were u at spin off??
god thatt was a fail 4 me, i had no mfb back then, Tongue_out
also as in "no libra wheel" is that, cause of weight restrictions
(Sep. 24, 2010  7:49 PM)beysharkboy Wrote: [ -> ]were u at spin off??

Uhh.. I was at the last Newcastle tournament, if that's what you mean? Haha, that was my first tourney (other than the one held in Tesco a good few years ago). (:
(Sep. 21, 2010  5:21 PM)Spoonigan Wrote: [ -> ]Oh nice one, I'm looking forward to this. (:

And I should have my own blade by then, unlike last time. Tongue_out

You can still borrow some of mine if you want Smile
(Sep. 24, 2010  7:48 PM)klonoalunar Wrote: [ -> ]tyvm and ok about the tip ill ask my friend if i can borrow his for the weekend and he can use mine but i have another question can i use the takara metal fight face bolt?

whoops soz not to clear bout face bolt it is a metal face bolt there is a pic under this post.
Yes, you can use a metal face lol.
Awesome i dont care how long it takes i will be there awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Sep. 24, 2010  10:33 PM)Newt Wrote: [ -> ]You can still borrow some of mine if you want Smile

Ah cheers, I bought a Storm Pegasis a couple of days ago and I'll probably be getting that Sagittario/Grip combo pack in the next few days, so I think I'll be set. (:
this aint my day

ok i now know there is no superglued parts but whatt about a super glued string launcher? the handle bit you pull snapped into 3 pieces?
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