World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: plausibility of MFB anime battles
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hey guys, i was just thinking, and thought about MFB battles, so i decided to make this.

in the order the battles(that i can recreate) appeared on tv.

dark bull vs flame saggitario: saggitario 3/3 win. REAL
storm pegasis(other face) vs dark bull pegasis 2/3 PLAUSIBLE
storm pegasis (other face) vs 100 other beys 0/100 FAKE
storm pegasis vs dark cancer 1/3 FAKE
storm pegasis vs rock leone 2/3 PLAUSIBLE
storm pegasis vs dark wolf 2/3 PLAUSIBLE
flame saggitario & dark bull tag-team skill tests 0/3 FAKE

so yeah, kai-V, just walk away from your computer. JUST WALK AWAY.
Your thread makes absolutely no sense.