World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Beyblade Crossovers/tie ins
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I was wondering if the beyblade Metal fusion/fight series had any connections to the original beyblade anime/comics, such as cameo apperances of characters or beys in some way, or maybe even certain characters or beys are mentioned, hinted towards, etc. (this excludes DJ) Maybe in MF they talk about older style beys?(plastic and HMS)

Also, is there a official timeline between the last Beyblade series and Beyblade MF?

Thanks for all the help!
Both series were set at different 'universes', so it is extremely unlikely that the characters from Bakuten Shoot Beyblade will meet with the characters from Metal Fight Beyblade.

Anyway, small questions like that do not really need a new thread. You should use the Random Beyblade Anime and Manga Thoughts thread next time if you have a small question like this.

EDIT: I suppose discussion on this topic would be fine though. :\
ummm i'm not too shure but i saw look-alikes
No, the artists of Metal Fight Beyblade, I have noticed, do everything they can to draw people, spectators who do not look like the old characters at all. Moreover, they will never appear in Metal Fight Beyblade. This is confirmed by Adachi Takafumi, the new manga artist, by the way.