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Full Version: BeyDeck Card Cross-TCG integrated Beyblade
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Me and my friends at "work" made this.

It's a new style of Beyblade play called "BeyDeck Card Cross", which integrates card strategy into Beyblade battles.

Here's how it works.

Each player starts with:

3 Beyblades, 30 life points, and 30 BeyCards.

The goal of the game:

Reduce the opponent's life points to 0 by knocking out their Beyblades.Each game lost loses you 10 life.

The cards:

Cards have different effects, for example:

Your opponent is using a Beyblade with a different spin direction. The card "Synchronize" forces the opponent to start the battle over with a Beyblade that is in your spin direction,or lose 10 life.

The cards can also effect individual parts. For example:

Your opponent is using a Metal Face. The card "Metal Smasher" forces them to remove the Metal Face and replace it with a plastic one.

Not all cards hinder your opponent's Bey. For example:

You shoot badly. The "Rewind" card lets you try again as many times as you have that card.

Some cards effect not the Beyblade,but the opponent directly.

Ex:The Poison Tonic card saps 5 life after each battle,regardless of whether they win or lose.

And there are even cards to affect other cards.

Ex:The "Mirror Bounce" Forces a negative effect card on its owner,but it is only playable once per game.

If you want a set of cards,PM me.

If you want to suggest an idea or leave feedback, post here,but I suggest playing the game first.

If you have any questions,I'd rather be PM'd than this topic be cluttered up.
their used to be a card game for beyblades so nothing really new :\
Hurrah, bringing us ever closer to Bakugan... Eee

Haha, I jest. :p
(Aug. 06, 2010  9:35 PM)The LVJ Wrote: [ -> ]Hurrah, bringing us ever closer to Bakugan... Eee

Haha, I jest. :p

ya and yugioh and any other card game really XD
:This isn't a Beyblade TCG, this is...more like Beyblade battles with some additional rules and control.

The LVJ:No. Nononononononononono. NO.
(Aug. 06, 2010  9:39 PM)BlackAce Wrote: [ -> ]:This isn't a Beyblade TCG, this is...more like Beyblade battles with some additional rules and control.

The LVJ:No. Nononononononononono. NO.

1. its a card game
2. you even put TGC :\
That's not what I's not a pure TCG.

Think of this like Uno,but with Beyblade. The goal is to hinder the opponent.
(Aug. 06, 2010  9:44 PM)BlackAce Wrote: [ -> ]That's not what I's not a pure TCG.

its a card game of beyblade :\ but MFB style lik how their use to be a beyblade card game with the plastice generation and that like failed
(Aug. 06, 2010  9:47 PM)Counter_Leon Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 06, 2010  9:44 PM)BlackAce Wrote: [ -> ]That's not what I's not a pure TCG.

its a card game of beyblade :\ but MFB style lik how their use to be a beyblade card game with the plastice generation and that like failed

Seriously, maybe it's best you don't post in this thread any more if you don't have anything constructive to say.
You use REAL Beyblades with these cards,not card Beyblades.

:Thank you.
(Aug. 06, 2010  9:48 PM)BlackAce Wrote: [ -> ]You use REAL Beyblades with these cards,not card Beyblades.

O Joyful_2 okay just though you played with cards cause of the TGC thing at the the top but now i get it ^-^ srry
From what you've outlined so far this sounds pretty fun! I'd love to try it out.
:Thanks! If you want to try it out,PM me your email and I can send you printable cards and the rule set.
(Aug. 07, 2010  1:46 AM)BlackAce Wrote: [ -> ]:Thanks! If you want to try it out,PM me your email and I can send you printable cards and the rule set.

i would but dont likepeople idk who they are knowing me email adress :\
EditConfusedince the chat room didn't pan out like I'd hoped,I'll just have this topic be central base for now.

I'll edit the first post with this info too,but for those just getting here:

If you want a set of cards,PM me.

If you want to suggest an idea or leave feedback, post here,but I suggest playing the game first.

If you have any questions,I'd rather be PM'd than this topic be cluttered up.
on my free time i can make a card template for you and i like the idea of more on beyblade battles : )
I appreciate the offer, but I have to talk it over with the rest of my team (I'm not the only one working on this,I've got a whole group of Bladers behind me).
it looks awesome
Ok,so instead of getting the original test copies, I'm going to make all new ones specifically for the WBO.

This 60 card set will be double the size of the test set, and have all new cards exclusive for WBO members.

I'll e-mail all interested parties with the cards and rules when they're ready.
(Aug. 07, 2010  7:54 PM)BlackAce Wrote: [ -> ]Ok,so instead of getting the original test copies, I'm going to make all new ones specifically for the WBO.

This 60 card set will be double the size of the test set, and have all new cards exclusive for WBO members.

I'll e-mail all interested parties with the cards and rules when they're ready.
now its even more awesome
Just a quick update,I'm about halfway done with the WBO cards.

Once I'm done completely, I'll update the topic again.
Love the idea!
Maybe instead of using actual beys, you could use cards as pieces?
Like 1 card for each of the 5 HWS pieces. And keep them stacked representing a full bey?
@ Pyro:I designed this to be a supplement to actual Beyblade gameplay, that's why real Beys are used.

Announcement EDIT:While I'm not done with ALL the cards,I am pleased to announce that I have the cards done for the 1st BeyDeck Card Cross "Starter Deck"!

I call it "Balance Type Awakened BeySpirit"!

I will also be making another one, "Attack Type Awakened Chaos",so if you want Awakened BeySpirit,it's ready for you,if you want Awakened Chaos, you'll have to wait a little longer.
This looks really fun, question though: can you mirror bounce a mirror bounce?
:No,you can't "double-mirror". Only 1 Mirror Bounce per player per game.

I'm planning to write up an FAQ for the game once it's been thoroughly "bug-tested".
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