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Full Version: Wolborg MS or Dark Gargoyle MS(Dark Effigy)
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ok ppl like to argue about wich blade is better...Wolborg MS or Dark Gargoyle MS(Dark Effigy MS) i have both but i prefer Wolborg MS what do u think (btw i dont even use my illegal beyblade i use my wolborg ms)
They each do their own thing depending on the type of stadium... it's somewhat hard to compare since like the only thing they have in common is that they're both good which isn't much of a statement.

They both serve different purposes.
While both are amazing at what they do, its hard to compare them and state which is better overall especially when you have to consider the users launch technique, who they're facing and what they're using and the stadium said battle is taking place in.

I prefer WBMS in Tornado Balance, while if I were using Tornado Balance Type S, I wouldn't even think of touching my wolborg.
wolborg ms because the zombie thing do not work on it and it has got upper attack and endrurance i great but itis made for endurance.
As stated above, you can't really compare since each one does different things. Wolborg Ms is the best spin stealer so far and DEMS is very good at upper. So it really depends on the stadium and launching techniques of the players. Wolborg MS is better in bigger stadiums where attacks have a less chance of hitting and KO'ing(or knocking it off balance) it, while DEMS is better in smaller stadiums where there is alot of contact. I prefer DEMS, but thats cuz I dont have a Wolborg MS anymore, it broke. You can only really say a beyblade, or part, is better than another if one outclasses another at doing the same job. Example would be, wolborg bearing is outclassed by BK's bearing so BK's bearing is better.
Personally, I find the parts on DEMS much more useful for customizing than WBMS. Circle Upper is very easy to find, and ridiculously good for survival and upper. The RC has many uses as well. WBMS serves one purpose in one stadium, mostly. Spin stealing in Tornado Balance. Other than that, it has very few uses. All are small niches.
WBMS is a better choice. Samurai Upper is better than Circle Upper. I love DEMS though, it's probably the most fun Beyblade ever.

Your question has been answered, but just wanted to say the Takara Name is Death Gargoyle. If you had any confusion about it.
(Dec. 19, 2008  2:51 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]WBMS is a better choice. Samurai Upper is better than Circle Upper. I love DEMS though, it's probably the most fun Beyblade ever.


The problem I have with SCMS is how hard it is to find. Pinching_eyes DEMS is widely available from Toywiz (of all places Chocked_2;Wink at a reasonable price.
Yeah, if you really can't find Samurai Changer, DEMS is a good buy. However, Wolborg MS will always be the best bang for your buck.
(Dec. 19, 2008  3:06 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, if you really can't find Samurai Changer, DEMS is a good buy. However, Wolborg MS will always be the best bang for your buck.

If you have Tornado Balance, or any large stadium. If you only own attack style stadiums, go with DEMS. You'll get much more out of it.
(Dec. 19, 2008  3:09 AM)Evan Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 19, 2008  3:06 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, if you really can't find Samurai Changer, DEMS is a good buy. However, Wolborg MS will always be the best bang for your buck.

If you have Tornado Balance, or any large stadium. If you only own attack style stadiums, go with DEMS. You'll get much more out of it.

Even in Tornado Attack WBMS still wins. TBTS is the only stadium where Wolborg MS isn't king.
(Dec. 19, 2008  3:11 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 19, 2008  3:09 AM)Evan Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 19, 2008  3:06 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, if you really can't find Samurai Changer, DEMS is a good buy. However, Wolborg MS will always be the best bang for your buck.

If you have Tornado Balance, or any large stadium. If you only own attack style stadiums, go with DEMS. You'll get much more out of it.

Even in Tornado Attack WBMS still wins. TBTS is the only stadium where Wolborg MS isn't king.

I've never had the chance to use Tornado Attack, but I've noticed in the Takara Attack and Defense stadiums (red and blue respectively) WBMS loses around 60% of the time to most attack oriented beys.
Those stadiums are seriously old ... I'd consider them to be pretty irrelevant at this point.
(Dec. 19, 2008  3:19 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Those stadiums are seriously old ... I'd consider them to be pretty irrelevant at this point.

I would too, but it's all I've got to test besides the two main HMS ones. In the Hasbro HMS stadium, WBMS nearly always wins due to the pockets.