World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Adding Accent Lines
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A discussion about the loss of detail from SamuraiSaber’s render to actual blade had me thinking about how cool my beys would look with some accent lines. Took one of my gundam markers and tried it on my KeelShark and Dagger Dran. I love how KeelShark came out.

Although it got me wondering if doing this would make the beys illegal to use in a tournament?

Probably going to play around with coloring one next

May have gotten carried away with Keel Shark
Bro that looks sick. I don't see why they'd ban it from a tournament, it's purely cosmetic.
(Oct. 17, 2024  12:49 AM)BravoBang Wrote: [ -> ]Bro that looks sick. I don't see why they'd ban it from a tournament, it's purely cosmetic.
Main reason it's banned is because its unofficial cosmetics.
(Oct. 22, 2024  6:29 PM)Frisk291 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 17, 2024  12:49 AM)BravoBang Wrote: [ -> ]Bro that looks sick. I don't see why they'd ban it from a tournament, it's purely cosmetic.
Main reason it's banned is because its unofficial cosmetics.

Yes, but this is where things get blurry in the rules since they list painting blades as okay.

Also I have done the same with my Shark Edge

Unofficial Paint/Clear-coating on Blades: Painting or clear-coating your Blades for aesthetic reasons is permitted. The coat must be light, non-textured and not affect the Beyblade’s performance. A coat also cannot be added in places where the Blade connects to other parts of the Beyblade (Ratchet, etc.). If the Judge determines your Blade does not meet these standards, you will be obligated to switch out the Blade for another version of the same Blade. If you cannot, you will be given a Match loss.

Unofficial/Homemade Stickers on Blades: Decorating your Blades with unofficial/homemade stickers is permitted. These stickers must not affect the Beyblade’s performance and must adhere to a Blade’s legal sticker positioning. (Blades with no specific positioning instructions may have a sticker placed on top of the clear piece of plastic that protects the Gear Chip.) Any imagery or verbiage on these stickers must adhere to the WBO’s Event Code of Conduct. If the Judge determines your Blade does not meet these standards, you will be obligated to switch out the Blade for another version of the same Blade. If you cannot, you will be given a Match loss.