World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Ripcord (beyblade x)
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I know the product description of the winder luncher says 20cm tournament legal ripcord. But the ripcord with the starter packs are a bit smaller. I'm curious what's the length of the string launcher. And if it's a hard legal length or a range that's allowed for tournaments
Note that the description says it is "tournament GRADE", not that it is "tournament LEGAL":

Quote:The Beyblade X Winder Launcher is an official tournament-grade right-spin launcher with a 10" (25cm) ripcord to get your gears in motion.

Tournaments held by the World Beyblade Organization allow any and all officially released launchers to be used. The rulebook is here:

The "tournament grade" description is a marketing tactic from Hasbro, who has currently not yet hosted any tournaments. Hasbro is indicating the Winder Launcher is suitable for use at the tournament level, which is accurate. Ripcord length has no relation to tournament legality. The string length of the "String Launcher" can vary depending on quality control.

The launchers in the starter packs are "Entry Launchers", and the individual release that you're referencing is the "Winder Launcher", which are separate launchers.
I was hoping to get a ripcord the length if a string launcher. Only seemed fair right?
Seriously, launcher gives you really strong launches, but like the string launcher, the string is so long