World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Are there Beyblade teams or clubs?
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I want to know if there are competing club-teams in irl Beyblade. I know there are tournaments, but are they restricted to individual competitors? If I wanted to start a club how could I go about doing that? Is there a platform for the community to establish something like a beyblade team or club regardless of it being for casual or competitive purposes?

I've got lots of questions! Just getting back into this!
If you're interested in starting a club, one great way to go about it is to become a WBO Organizer. Then you can post events on here to advertise your events. Check with your local stores to see if they would let you set up there some weekend, and ask them to put up a poster to advertise. It's a good way to start if you don't have a scene! Are there any tournaments posted here for where you live?