World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Halifax Gamestop beyblade X tournament
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Is anyone going to the Halifax beyblade X tournaments that gamestop is hosting? 
I know the toys r us ones we're only for kids, but gamestop seems to be open to all ages. At least I couldn't find any details saying it was kids only
I wish I'd known about this! Been itching for any tournies in the Hfx area, especially if adults are allowed to participate
(Aug. 14, 2024  12:56 AM)Kerokerostudio Wrote: [ -> ]Is anyone going to the Halifax beyblade X tournaments that gamestop is hosting? 
I know the toys r us ones we're only for kids, but gamestop seems to be open to all ages. At least I couldn't find any details saying it was kids only

wbo is open to all ages i mean ALL