World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: B’s Infinite Hobbies Local Tournament 6-12-24
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Please be advised that this tournament will make use of the following Ranked Clauses in addition to, or in place of, rules listed in the Format Rulebook:

[b]4 Point Final Stage[/b]
  • Final Stage Matches are played to 4 points for this Tournament.
This Tournament will be played with 1V1 format for the entire event, even in finals. 

Loaner beyblades will be available, if you do not own any beyblades feel free to come regardless.
This event has been approved.
I will be a little late because of traffic
(Jun. 12, 2024  9:54 PM)JBladeKing Wrote: [ -> ]I will be a little late because of traffic

Hope yah had fun! We plan to host these bi weekly