World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Proposal For Stadium Damage Rule Clarification / Change
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Hey there, 

I just wanted to make a quick proposal thread for a potential small update / change to the stadium damage rules. 

As it stands, the current rulings in the guide state:

Quote:Playing Surface Stadium Cracks: Cracks within the playing surface of Stadiums are not acceptable and Stadiums with such damage are illegal for WBO play.

Reading this as it's written implies that as long as there aren't any cracks in the actual stadium floor, the stadium could be deemed legal for use. 
However, there have been several instances during conversations with people, as well as some threads on the forums, asking about rulings surrounding damaged / chipped Xtreme Lines.

The Xtreme Line counts as part of the Stadium Surface / Play Surface - and as such, if damaged would cause the stadium in question to be considered illegal for use. 
While this is probably fairly obvious, I feel it may be a good idea to clarify this within the rules to avoid any ambiguity. 

Quote:Playing Surface Stadium Cracks: Cracks within the playing surface, Xtreme Line or any area of the stadium which could effect the Beyblades performance are not acceptable and Stadiums with such damage are illegal for WBO play.

Again, while I feel this is a very small change, I think it would add clarity to an area where a few questions have been raised.
(May. 22, 2024  4:32 PM)FuzzNL Wrote: [ -> ]Hey there, 

I just wanted to make a quick proposal thread for a potential small update / change to the stadium damage rules. 

As it stands, the current rulings in the guide state:

Quote:Playing Surface Stadium Cracks: Cracks within the playing surface of Stadiums are not acceptable and Stadiums with such damage are illegal for WBO play.

Reading this as it's written implies that as long as there aren't any cracks in the actual stadium floor, the stadium could be deemed legal for use. 
However, there have been several instances during conversations with people, as well as some threads on the forums, asking about rulings surrounding damaged / chipped Xtreme Lines.

The Xtreme Line counts as part of the Stadium Surface / Play Surface - and as such, if damaged would cause the stadium in question to be considered illegal for use. 
While this is probably fairly obvious, I feel it may be a good idea to clarify this within the rules to avoid any ambiguity. 

Quote:Playing Surface Stadium Cracks: Cracks within the playing surface, Xtreme Line or any area of the stadium which could effect the Beyblades performance are not acceptable and Stadiums with such damage are illegal for WBO play.

Again, while I feel this is a very small change, I think it would add clarity to an area where a few questions have been raised.

I think the clarity for the Xtreme line needs to be better. If it is just 1 tiny piece chipped off, then that wouldn’t matter. However, if 3+ chips exist, either together, close, or completely separate, then that could possibly lead to it being considered “illegal.”
I would only disagree on the grounds that even if 1 gear tooth is snapped off, that can still impact performance. I would say that stadiums should be in full working order in all areas that a Beyblade will come into contact with which can influence its behaviour and performance.

Again, I don't make the rules and I'm open to discussion and thoughts on the situation, but my opinion is that it should be fully intact in the areas that matter for it to be considered legal.

Either way, however this pans out if it's "Slight damage is okay" or "Any damage = Illegal", I think the clarity needs to be there in the guide to avoid these questions in the first place. Smile Haha
Definitely still hoping for a concrete answer so I can know if I need to buy a new whole stadium or not
(Jun. 13, 2024  1:59 PM)Frisk291 Wrote: [ -> ]Definitely still hoping for a concrete answer so  I can know if I need to buy a new whole stadium or not

I mean, the concrete answer is that it's illegal and would require a new xtreme line / stadium. Any damage to an area where the Beyblade comes into contact with the stadium and where the Beyblades performance / behaviour can be effected would deem the stadium illegal for use in tournaments. 

This proposal post was purely just to raise awareness to the vague wording in the guide and to make it more clear. Smile
(Jun. 13, 2024  3:23 PM)FuzzNL Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun. 13, 2024  1:59 PM)Frisk291 Wrote: [ -> ]Definitely still hoping for a concrete answer so  I can know if I need to buy a new whole stadium or not

I mean, the concrete answer is that it's illegal and would require a new xtreme line / stadium. Any damage to an area where the Beyblade comes into contact with the stadium and where the Beyblades performance / behaviour can be effected would deem the stadium illegal for use in tournaments. 

This proposal post was purely just to raise awareness to the vague wording in the guide and to make it more clear. Smile
Oh okie got it! I appreciate your help on this whole thing! Now I just gotta buy a whole new stadium...yayyyyy.