World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Where did Bit Boosters go?
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Title pretty much says everything. Newer accounts feel so dull, and you really don't see anything else besides podium bits nowadays. What happened to them, and will they ever come back?
(May. 03, 2024  12:12 PM)RalfBalf Wrote: [ -> ]Title pretty much says everything. Newer accounts feel so dull, and you really don't see anything else besides podium bits nowadays. What happened to them, and will they ever come back?

I'm pretty sure these were from activities WBO would host. There's been a spiraling downtrend of activities since the contests have seemed to halt and the only thing we have going now is BeyDays(?)

If anything WBO just needs a reason to give them out. Bit distribution for ranked WBO events aren't the swiftest thing so it probably isn't a priority unfortunately.
Basically the issue is that we've had fewer distribution campaigns for Bits over the past few years, and the existing Bit infrastructure is tied up such that only Staff with the highest administrative permissions can add Bits to profiles, which doesn't go great with the fact that said Staff members have less time on their hands to mess around with that system. It's a matter of higher priorities taking center stage.

That said, we absolutely should bring back Bits and Bit campaigns and the like. I think we'd need to rework some of the systems a little bit to make them easier on our end to distribute but they're a cute little element to the site that I feel like we've been sorely missing. Who doesn't love having cute little Beyblade motif icons on their user bio? People who hate fun, that's who!!! lol
I feel like First Xperience could've been the perfect excuse to hand out exclusive bits, since there wasn't a BeyDays last year iirc(which is odd since there was one in 2022. I guess you could say BWC was in the way but still pretty confusing.) and that would be the best next thing.