World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: 04/27/24 Imaginary Launch Technique: RNG Purple (BBX)
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This report will be reporting the tournament that took place in Bellville New Jersey Hosted by Bladerdoc (Me) and LegendV3.

      The tournament started a little after 12PM since some people were running a little late. 19 out of 22 people showed up to the tournament. Very nice turnout! Big Shoutout to Friedpasta for coming from Virginia. Definitely didn't see him coming at all. There were a total of 5 rounds in first stage. This was also the first X tournament where the first 3 UX beys were released, Rod, Buster, and Hammer. Rod was spammed ALOT. Mainly on Ball/Hexa. There were some rouge rod set ups like Rod on GearBall used by Myself and Friedpasta. It did fine Stamina wise however not the best KO resistance honestly. I also used Rod on Spike in both Firststage and Finals. Not horrible, It beats Hexa in the ditto but loses to Ball and got unlucky against some PheonixWing match ups. I was the only one who ran Buster in the event. I ran it on LowFlat and it did alright. It's a big gamble on using it and requires some launching technique.

      The players that shined hands down are Mr. Memes, EliFRFX, and APSTANZ. Big shoutout to Mr. Memes for going undefeated in first stage/finals and ultimately winning the tournament. The combo that shined that he used is DranDagger on Taper which did work against Rod Ball combos and other set ups! Both EliFRFX and APSTANZ are new comers and did extremely well! Both made it to finals and EliFRFX placed 2nd place. The match between Mr. Memes and EliFRFX was extremely close. Unfortunately, EliFRFX got unlucky with the Rod ditto.

       This is also my first time hosting a decently sized event let alone an X event. It ran decently smoothly. I had slight trouble setting up the bracket for first stage and it was sorta slow starting round one. However after round 2 things started to pick up pace. So everything worked out in the end which is great. Can't wait to host again!