World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: The Start of OKC Supremacy!
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The start time will be at 1:00 checkin ends at 12:50 for enough time to set up and get settled in. There will NOT BE CONCESSIONS although there are fast food areas nearby. There will also be a prize hence the admission fee! If you would be so kind as to bring a stadium in order to have an inclusive play area for everyone.

So after careful observation of what may be considered popular. I will be doing a round robin tournament so everyone gets a piece of everyone. And this time you will be selecting 1 beyblade per round.  After the checkin time ends(12:00-12:50) announcements for the more in depth tournament details and prizes shall be available. I know this may seem ambitious for a first start but we like to spice it up in this state! If you’d like to discuss more about the tournament you can dm me either here or on discord via OKC_Mythical
This event has been approved.
The rules may be tweaked a little for the actual tournament but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there (opinions have been expressed and I want to satisfy everyone with the event) or maybe we’ll settle it during the tournament