World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: How Much Does Hight Matter?
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Hello, I am relatively new to the X competitive scene, and I was curious as to what the common opinion is. I am used to the MFB gameplay, where bey height is a massive and very visibly notable proponent in how the bey preforms. However, in my time competing and testing with X beys, I really haven't noticed height coming into play much or at all, with a few notable exceptions (Shedge most obviously). Am I overlooking something, being stupid, or does ratchet height not mean that much yet in X? Thanks for any and all input!
Generally most combos use low height ratchets due to the burst risk that comes with using taller ratchets(with the exception of 9-80 due to it's rounder shape).

Purposely using taller heights over shorter ones are typically used for more niche uses(some of which may or may not be outdated), but I think with the introduction of -70 ratchets we may see a new meta where -60 ratchets aren't the end-all be-all for combos.
The 80 height is used for more stamina (a pretty big difference)and smashing your opponents downwards, at the cost of higher burst risk. 60 height is for less burst and KO risk, and adds upper attack most of the time. The 70 height is more of a middle ground, with testing still needing to be done.