World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Anyone in Toronto interested in used X products?
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Hi there,

I have the following beys, a stadium, battle pass, 4 ripcord and 1 string launcher. 

Dranzer S - 3/80 / Taper 
Dransword - 3/60 / Flat 
Hellsscythe - 4/60 / Taper 
Wizardarrow - 4/80 / Ball 
Knightshield - 3/80 / Needle 
Knightlance - 4/80 / High Needle 
Leonclaw - 5/60 / Point 
Unicornsting - 5/60 / Gear Point 

Please let me know if interested.
Interested in Unicorn sting if you still have it!