World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Rules Clarification - BBX - Knockouts
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A thought as we play more rounds! 

With the rule of if a beyblade re-enters the area it is still in play, is the beyblade grinding in the knockout pocket capable of winning the match while it’s still moving, even if it never returns? What if a loss occurs on the other bey (spinout for example), while your beyblade is grinding in the knockout pocket? Does the knocked out beyblade win? Would you call this a draw?
It is based on when the Beyblade enter the KO area. So if one bey enter the KO area first, and do not return, that bey loses. It would not be a draw
(Jan. 14, 2024  1:04 AM)Shindog Wrote: [ -> ]It is based on when the Beyblade enter the KO area.  So if one bey enter the KO area first, and do not return, that bey loses.   It would not be a draw

Makes sense to me! So judges should technically wait until that beyblade never returns before officially calling the match. But since the KO already happened, if it never bounces back in, it does lose. Schrödinger's beybade.
Yes this is correct.  The call should be made only after the Beyblade is no longer moving.